Releases: GetLuna/ModernCount
Releases · GetLuna/ModernCount
ModernCount 4
ModernCount v3.1.0
- Enhanced database
- IDs are now displayed in the index
- You can now search on IDs
- Improved display of record table
- Fix broken tracking link copy
- Improved display of succeed message when adding and editing
- Improved code readability
- Fixes 43 HTML issues
ModernCount v3.0.1
Version 3.0.1
- Fix issue that cause the default theme to be displayed in changelog even if it's not the theme in settings
- Remove unneeded scripts on some pages
- Fix spelling issue on index
- Small design changes
Version 3.0.0
- The Settings page won't display auto-correct menu's
- It's not longer possible to add a negative count
- URLs will no longer convert to lowercase
- Cleaned up settings interface
- Improved error messages
- Improved installer, for a more secure installation
- New "Javascript isn't enabled" warning
- Don't launch installer if config doesn't exist when running get.php
- Focus is now automatic set on login
- Rewrite of get.php
- Improved details view for adding and editing downloads
- New standard settings
- Ingor downloads by admins
- Updated data validation
- Improved editions, deletion on index
- Small interface improvements
- New pagination
- 4 minor improvements
- 5 other bugfixes
- 2 security improvements
ModernCount v2.0.0
- New interface
- New installation
- New remove icon
- New settings panel
- Improved update checker
- Improved table for displaying the data
- "Changelog" is added under the profile link in the menu
- New help message
- It's now possible to install ModernCount on a database that's not protected with a password
- The "Ad code" boxes are bigger
- You can now choose to see 5, 40 or 75 records on the admin index
ModernCount v2.0-beta
This beta release adds some new features to ModernCount, see the changelog of version 2.0.0 for more information.
ModernCount v1.6.0
- New menu
- Fix bug in update check
- You can't disable the help message anymore
ModernCount v1.5.0
- New interface
- Fixes lots of validation bugs
ModernCount v1.0.0
This is the very first release of ModernCount.