This is more of a clean-up release although some new stuff/fixes have been added, mainly for DOOM Eternal
-Updated wine + staging to 5.4-git/upstream for DOOM Eternal
-Added ValveSoftware/wine#85 VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 and fake support for VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive for DOOM Eternal
-Added ValveSoftware/wine#83 which fixes some crashes in DARK SOULS III (374320), Nier: Automata (524220), Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (814380)
-Added some missing registry entries that prevented Batman: Arkham Knight from starting on a clean prefix
-Cleaned up/removed unused mf_install verb in protonfixes in preparation for newer mfplat alpha patches (coming soon)
-Removed '-wolcen lords of mayhem 'blob head' fix' as the game devs fixed it internally per update
-Removed 'plasma systray fix' as it didn't really benefit anything, and actually interfered with some games.
-Removed Detroit:Become Human patch as it's already been upstreamed
-Cleaned up some duplicate patches and updated our current patches to work with latest wine-git+staging/git
-Updated vkd3d
-Updated dxvk
-Updated FAudio
Notes on DOOM Eternal:
- DOOM Eternal currently requires vulkan-loader/vulkan-icd-loader 1.2.135
- For AMD also requires mesa-git .
- ACO did not work for me with DOOM Eternal when I tried it, but llvm worked fine.
- To get rid of pre-launch GPU notices such as (HDR not supported), open DOOMEternal/launcherData/launcher.cfg and change all of these to 0:
rgl_showAMDStartupWarning 0
rgl_showIntelStartupWarning 0
rgl_showNvidiaStartupWarning 0