Proton-6.5-GE-1 Released
This release is mainly a big cleanup of the mfplat stuff that was broken and should get most of the things working which were working before in addition to a few new fixes:
MFPlat/Video playback fixes:
-Trials of Mana video playback fixed
-Devil May Cry 5's "History of DMC" video playback fixed
-Power Rangers Battle for the Grid video playback fixed
-Seven: Days Long Gone video playback fixed
-Borderlands 3 Marcus intro video playback fixed
-Resident Evil 2/3 video playback fixed
Other Game fixes:
-Red Dead Redemption 2 single player story mode finally works
-Dragon Star Varnir opening crash fixed -- game is now playable
Component updates:
-DXVK updated
-VKD3D updated
-OpenXR patches updated
-Wine and Wine-Staging updated to 6.5
Still Broken:
-Red Dead Redemption 2 online mode does not work (disconnects)
-GTA V puts users in solo session
-Catherine Classic still hangs at new game loading screen
-Darksiders Warmastered Edition hangs at thq nordiq intro logo
-Grandia/Grandia II HD Remaster still crash on opening.