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Releases: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom

GE-Proton7-23 Released

28 Jun 04:09
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If custom FSR screen resolutions did not show up for you, try removing and re-downloading this release. I had to remove the original attachments because I forgot to apply the patches and did not want to make a new full release for the fix.

  • Hotfix: fix Path of Exile not launching

  • FSR:

I've attempted to make the FSR issue a bit easier for people by implementing a new option:


How it works:


Modes available:


This will add the resolution corresponding to your monitor resolution and mode setting to the in-game resolution list if your monitor's resolution is supported by FSR.


If you choose 'ultra' and your monitor is 1440p (2k), it will add this entry to the in-game screen resolution list:


  • You must then choose that resolution in-game and FSR will scale it up to your monitor's 1440p size.

If WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR is enabled but no mode is set, the 'performance' option for screen resolution (if supported by FSR) will be added.

Again, the full list of resolutions can be found below for reference:

+    4K:
+    {1920, 1080},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Performance'
+    {2259, 1270}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Balanced'
+    {2560, 1440},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Quality'
+    {2954, 1662}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Ultra Quality'
+    Ultra-wide:
+    {1720, 720}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Performance'
+    {2024, 847}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Balanced'
+    {2293, 960}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Quality'
+    {2646, 1108}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Ultra Quality'
+    2K:
+    {1280, 720},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Performance'
+    {1506, 847},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Balanced'
+    {1706, 960},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Quality'
+    {1970, 1108}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Ultra Quality'
+    1080p:
+    {960, 640},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Performance'
+    {1129, 635},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Balanced'
+    {1280, 720},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Quality' 
+    {1477, 831},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Ultra Quality'

GE-Proton7-22 Released

27 Jun 07:28
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  • Fixes crashes with 3440x1440 screen resolution
  • FSR resolutions removed from in-game resolution list. Please use WINE_FULLSCREEN_FAKE_CURRENT_RES to set scale-from resolution:

/* Some games have a limit on the number of entries allowed in the resolution list,
for example, Elden Ring's limit is 26. Therefore we cannot add all of the FSR
resolutions to the list without hitting the limit, which causes missing resolutions
within the game's resolution list. You can use WINE_FULLSCREEN_FAKE_CURRENT_RES to
set the resolution used to scale up from.

Your monitor is 3440x1440
You want to use FSR to scale up using ""Ultra Quality" FSR mode.

You use:


This allows you to use the custom resolution that is not in the games fullscreen
resolution list to scale up.

Below is a table of FSR values allowed that are not part of the fullscreen
resolution list:

//{1920, 1080},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Performance' -- already in resolution list
{2259, 1270}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Balanced'
//{2560, 1440},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Quality' -- already in resolution list
{2954, 1662}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Ultra Quality'

{1720, 720}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Performance'
{2024, 847}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Balanced'
{2293, 960}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Quality'
{2646, 1108}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Ultra Quality'

//{1280, 720},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Performance' -- already in resolution list
{1506, 847},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Balanced'
{1706, 960},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Quality'
{1970, 1108}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Ultra Quality'

//{960, 640},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Performance'
{1129, 635},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Balanced'
//{1280, 720},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Quality' -- already in resolution list
{1477, 831},  /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Ultra Quality'


GE-Proton7-21 Released

26 Jun 02:03
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  • Paladins crash fixed. I found the fix and reported it upstream and they were able to get it fixed. As long as they allow EAC to keep working the game should now be playable (again)
  • Black Ops II: Zombies is now fixed! (pulled from proton)
  • Black Ops II: Multiplayer is now fixed! (pulled from proton)
  • Elden Ring missing fullscreen resolutions fixed
  • Apex Legends crashing on fullscreen 1080p mode for some systems fixed
  • Wine updated to bleeding edge from 6/23 (6/24 has broken mfplat commits)
  • dxvk updated to latest git
  • vkd3d-proton updated to latest git


  • Fall Guys: disabled esync and fsync to prevent random crashes
  • Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine crash fixed on systems with high core counts
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light fixed on systems with high core counts
  • Ys Origin demo protonfix added (thanks Neodamode!)
  • SQUAD protonfix added -- should work OOTB now (thanks rokam!)
  • Total War Rome II protonfix added (thanks patmann03!)
  • Gwent protonfix added (thanks games647!)
  • Bionic Commander Rearmed protonfix added (thanks ruineka!)
  • Sonic Adventure 2 protonfix added (thanks ruineka!)'
  • klite codec protonfix updated for persona 4 golden (thanks tgurr!)
  • FarCry 4 crash fixed on systems with high core counts (it still has a crashing problem with dxvk + amd. works with dxvk+nvidia and wined3d+amd):


GE-Proton7-20 Released

29 May 23:07
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Hotfix release

  • Fix FSR missing
  • Fix some WMV videos broken after previous release (UMVC3, Atelier, RE5)
    -- Note: Audio is still broken on some of these (audio was broken before e.g. UMVC3)
  • Fix nvcuda missing

GE-Proton7-19 Released

28 May 04:15
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  • V Rising fixes imported from upstream proton
  • More FFXIV fixes imported from upstream proton
  • FFXIV A Realm Reborn intro video missing audio fixed
  • video fix for Outward added
  • video fix for El Hijo added from upstream proton
  • video fix for We Were Here Forever added from upstream proton
  • video fix for The Room 4 added from upstream proton
  • video fix for EZ2ON REBOOT added from upstream proton
  • Added fix for Fall Guys to for Proton EAC runtime to install if not already present (Thanks Rokam!)
  • Removed Serious Sam 4 DX12 workaround (no longer needed). It will now only set OpenAL audio (still needed)
  • wine updated to latest bleeding edge
  • dxvk updated to latest bleeding edge
  • vkd3d-proton updated to latest bleeding edge

GE-Proton7-18 Released

19 May 07:37
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Another minor hotfix release:

  • proton bleeding edge updates, contains patches to fix official FFXIV Launcher (finally)
    Additional notes:
    - As before, you can still also use NOSTEAM=1 %command% to log in with a standalone non-steam account.
    - The login and download progress bar both render at the bottom of the launcher, you'll need to scroll down.
  • dxvk updated
  • vkd3d-proton updated

GE-Proton7-17 Released

07 May 07:05
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This is just a minor update/hotfix release.

  • sapi-iteration-tokens staging patchset updated. Fixes Bless Unleashed launcher crash and fixes performance hit when patch set is not applied. Game is now playable.
  • wine updated to latest bleeding edge

GE-Proton7-16 Released

30 Apr 04:49
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  • added patch to fix crash in Elden Ring with fsync enabled after an extended period of time (thanks Paul Gofman!)
  • pull in video playback updates from upstream proton
  • pull in steam client updates from upstream proton
  • dxvk updated to latest git
  • vkd3d-proton updated to latest git

GE-Proton7-15 Released

22 Apr 08:44
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  • vp9 support enabled in gst-plugins-good for ghostwire tokyo videos (they work now)
  • protonfix added for State of Decay 2 crashes (thanks ThisNekoGuy!)
  • protonfix added for Fall Guys EAC (works now, thanks rokam!)
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for Car Mechanic Simulator 2021
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for Harspace: Shipbreaker
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for Solasta
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for Monster Train
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for The Complex
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for Cook-Out
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for DJMAX Respect V
  • WINE_DO_NOT_CREATE_DXGI_DEVICE_MANAGER video fix enabled for Gloomhaven
  • steam runtime and sdk updated (contains vp9 libraries required)
  • various build commits pulled from upstream proton
  • vkd3d-proton updated to git HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton@4a05360 prior to 4/21 (latest UAT updates on 4/21 caused gpu hang during testing)
  • vkd3d-proton upstream ghostwire tokyo commit HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton@119e00e cherry-picked and applied
  • dxvk updated to latest git
  • dxvk-nvapi updated to latest git
  • wine updated to latest bleeding edge

GE-Proton7-14 Released

04 Apr 17:06
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  • Hotfix: Received more complaints than praise surrounding the gamemode change so I've reverted the changes. Gamemode is removed from the build and will not be used by default.