Release Notes
Implemented enhancements:
- Add JCR support #103
- Add Redis Cluster deployment instead of STANDALONE #101
- Prepare GG manifests and integrate with pygluu #100
- Add syncCasa files upon installation casa in oxAuth #93
- Add backup params to pygluu #92
- Remove volume layer of shared ship between oxTrust and oxShibbooleth #91
- Add gluu upgrade chart to helm #55
- Add test automation for all scenarios of Gluu Kubernetes and docker #29
- Add upgrade chart #97 (mirr254)
Fixed bugs:
- Kubernetes python client issue workaround until release of 12.1 #98
- Kubernetes session expires upon a long installation #94
- IDP configuration files are not properly pushed to oxshibboleth pod(s) in k8s cluster setup #88
Closed issues:
- Typo "recieve" #104
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes #104 #105 (scottwedge)