Wide transaction description. #262
175 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.service.ScheduledActionServiceTest.xml
10 tests were completed in 940ms with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.service.ScheduledActionServiceTest | 10✅ | 940ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.service.ScheduledActionServiceTest
✅ scheduledTransactionsWithEndTimeInPast_shouldBeExecuted
✅ scheduledBackups_shouldNotRunBeforeNextScheduledExecution
✅ recurringTransactions_shouldHaveScheduledActionUID
✅ scheduledBackups_shouldNotIncludeTransactionsPreviousToTheLastRun
✅ futureScheduledActions_shouldNotRun
✅ scheduledBackups_shouldRunOnlyOnce
✅ disabledScheduledActions_shouldNotRun
✅ scheduledBackups_shouldIncludeTransactionsAfterTheLastRun
✅ missedScheduledTransactions_shouldBeGenerated
✅ exceededExecutionCounts_shouldNotRun
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.CsvTransactionsExporterTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 5s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.CsvTransactionsExporterTest | 2✅ | 5s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.CsvTransactionsExporterTest
✅ generate export in German locale
✅ generate export in US locale
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.AccountsDbAdapterTest.xml
18 tests were completed in 2s with 18 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.AccountsDbAdapterTest | 18✅ | 2s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.AccountsDbAdapterTest
✅ shouldClearAllTablesWhenDeletingAllAccounts
✅ shouldGetDescendantAccounts
✅ shouldRecursivelyDeleteAccount
✅ simpleAccountListShouldNotContainTransactions
✅ shouldUpdateFullNameAfterParentChange
✅ editingAccountShouldNotDeleteTemplateSplits
✅ shouldCreateAccountHierarchy
✅ shouldAddTransactionsAndSplitsWhenAddingAccounts
✅ shouldComputeAccountBalanceCorrectly
✅ importingXml_shouldSetDefaultCurrencyFromXml
✅ shouldAddAccountsToDatabase
✅ shouldCreateImbalanceAccountOnDemand
✅ shouldDeleteSplitsWhenAccountDeleted
✅ shouldSetDefaultTransferColumnToNull_WhenTheAccountIsDeleted
✅ bulkAddAccountsShouldNotModifyTransactions
✅ shouldReassignDescendantAccounts
✅ shouldCreateDefaultRootAccount
✅ shouldBeAlphabeticallySortedByDefault
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.BooksDbAdapterTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 1s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.BooksDbAdapterTest | 9✅ | 1s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.BooksDbAdapterTest
✅ setBookActive
✅ savingBook_requiresRootAccountGUID
✅ addBook
✅ testGeneratedDisplayNames_shouldBeUnique
✅ recoverFromEmptyDatabase
✅ testGeneratedDisplayName
✅ deletingBook_shouldDeleteDbFile
✅ recoverFromNoActiveBookFound
✅ deleteBook
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.BudgetsDbAdapterTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 321ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.BudgetsDbAdapterTest | 6✅ | 321ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.BudgetsDbAdapterTest
✅ testBulkAddBudgets
✅ testGetAccountBudgets
✅ savingBudget_shouldRequireRecurrence
✅ savingBudget_shouldRequireExistingAccount
✅ testAddingBudget
✅ savingBudget_shouldRequireBudgetAmount
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.PriceDbAdapterTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 45ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.PriceDbAdapterTest | 1✅ | 45ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.PriceDbAdapterTest
✅ shouldOnlySaveOnePricePerCommodityPair
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.ScheduledActionDbAdapterTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 137ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.ScheduledActionDbAdapterTest | 3✅ | 137ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.ScheduledActionDbAdapterTest
✅ testGenerateRepeatString
✅ everyScheduledActionShouldHaveRecurrence
✅ testAddGetRecord
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.SplitsDbAdapterTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 200ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.SplitsDbAdapterTest | 4✅ | 200ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.SplitsDbAdapterTest
✅ addingSplitShouldUnsetExportedFlagOfTransaction
✅ testAddSplit
✅ shouldHaveTransactionInDatabase
✅ shouldHaveAccountInDatabase
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.TransactionsDbAdapterTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 280ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.TransactionsDbAdapterTest | 4✅ | 280ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.db.TransactionsDbAdapterTest
✅ shouldBalanceTransactionsOnSave
✅ testComputeBalance
✅ testTransactionsAreTimeSorted
✅ deletingTransactionsShouldDeleteSplits
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.BackupTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 576ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.BackupTest | 1✅ | 576ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.BackupTest
✅ shouldCreateBackupFileName
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.GncXmlHelperTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 1s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.GncXmlHelperTest | 9✅ | 1s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.GncXmlHelperTest
✅ testDateFormat_Leap_0200
✅ shouldFailToParseWronglyFormattedInput
✅ testDateFormat_to_DateTimeFormat
✅ testDateFormat_Threads
✅ testParseSplitAmount
✅ testDateTimeFormat_Timestamp_UTC
✅ testDateTimeFormat_forPattern
✅ testFormatSplitAmount
✅ testDateFormat_Leap_UTC
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.OfxExporterTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 267ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.OfxExporterTest | 3✅ | 267ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.OfxExporterTest
✅ testDateTime
✅ testWithNoTransactionsToExport_shouldNotCreateAnyFile
✅ testGenerateOFXExport
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.QifExporterTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 603ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.QifExporterTest | 6✅ | 603ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.export.QifExporterTest
✅ transactionWithNonDefaultSplitsImport
✅ memoAndDescription_shouldBeExported
✅ testWithNoTransactionsToExport_shouldNotCreateAnyFile
✅ amountAndSplit_shouldBeExported
✅ simpleTransactionExport
✅ testGenerateQIFExport
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.importer.GncXmlHandlerTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 994ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.importer.GncXmlHandlerTest | 7✅ | 994ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.importer.GncXmlHandlerTest
✅ multiCurrencyTransactionImport
✅ transactionWithNonDefaultSplitsImport
✅ importingScheduledAction_shouldSetByDays
✅ simpleTransactionImport
✅ accountsImport
✅ bug562_scheduledTransactionImportedWithImbalancedSplits
✅ commodities
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.AccountTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 390ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.AccountTest | 9✅ | 390ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.AccountTest
✅ testAccountAlwaysHasUID
✅ colors
✅ settingNameShouldNotChangeFullName
✅ testTransactionsHaveSameCurrencyAsAccount
✅ testSetColorWithAlphaComponent
✅ testAccountUsesDefaultCurrency
✅ shouldSetFullNameWhenCreated
✅ newInstance_shouldReturnNonNullValues
✅ testSetInvalidColorCode
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.BudgetTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 247ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.BudgetTest | 6✅ | 247ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.BudgetTest
✅ addingBudgetAmount_shouldSetBudgetUID
✅ shouldNotCompactBudgetAmountsWithDifferentAmounts
✅ addingSameAmounts_shouldCompactOnRetrieval
✅ testGetNumberOfAccounts
✅ shouldComputeAbsoluteAmountSum
✅ addingNegativePeriodNum_shouldExpandOnRetrieval
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.CommodityTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 75ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.CommodityTest | 2✅ | 75ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.CommodityTest
✅ setSmallestFraction_shouldNotUseDigits
✅ testSmallestFractionDigits
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.MoneyTest.xml
16 tests were completed in 6s with 16 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.MoneyTest | 16✅ | 6s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.MoneyTest
✅ testCreation
✅ testDivisionWithDifferentCurrency
✅ testMultiplication
✅ testAddition
✅ testPrinting
✅ testSubtractionWithDifferentCurrency
✅ testMultiplicationWithDifferentCurrencies
✅ overflow
✅ evaluate_25
✅ evaluate_26
✅ testDivision
✅ testFractionParts
✅ testAdditionWithIncompatibleCurrency
✅ testNegation
✅ testSubtraction
✅ nonMatchingCommodityFraction_shouldThrowException
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.PriceTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 220ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.PriceTest | 5✅ | 220ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.PriceTest
✅ getNumerator_shouldReduceAutomatically
✅ getDenominator_shouldReduceAutomatically
✅ toString_shouldNotFailForInfinitelyLongDecimalExpansion
✅ creatingFromExchangeRate_ShouldGetPrecisionRight
✅ toString_shouldUseDefaultLocale
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.RecurrenceTest.xml
11 tests were completed in 818ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.RecurrenceTest | 11✅ | 818ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.RecurrenceTest
✅ no_language
✅ settingCount_shouldComputeCorrectEndTime
✅ testRecurrenceCountComputation
✅ notSettingEndDate_shouldReturnSpecialCountValue
✅ nth_weekday
✅ frequency_formatted
✅ date
✅ budget_CurrentPeriod
✅ min_max
✅ rfc2445
✅ reoccurs_every_4th_wednesday
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.ScheduledActionTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 3s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.ScheduledActionTest | 9✅ | 3s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.ScheduledActionTest
✅ weeklyActionsWithoutDayOfWeekSet_shouldReturnDateInTheFuture
✅ testComputingNextScheduledExecution
✅ weeklyActionsWithMultiplier_shouldBeDueOnTheDayOfWeekSet
✅ settingStartTime_shouldSetRecurrenceStart
✅ settingRecurrence_shouldSetEndTime
✅ multiDayOfWeekWeeklyActions_shouldBeDueOnEachDayOfWeekSet
✅ settingEndTime_shouldSetRecurrenceEnd
✅ settingRecurrence_shouldSetScheduledActionStartTime
✅ testComputingTimeOfLastSchedule
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.SplitTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 285ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.SplitTest | 6✅ | 285ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.SplitTest
✅ shouldCreateInversePair
✅ shouldParseCsv
✅ testCloning
✅ amounts_shouldBeStoredUnsigned
✅ testAddingSplitToTransaction
✅ shouldGenerateValidCsv
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.TransactionTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 150ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.TransactionTest | 4✅ | 150ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.model.TransactionTest
✅ settingUID_shouldSetTransactionUidOfSplits
✅ testCloningTransaction
✅ addingSplitsShouldSetTransactionUID
✅ testCreateAutoBalanceSplit
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.AmountParserTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 277ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.AmountParserTest | 6✅ | 277ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.AmountParserTest
✅ withGarbageAtTheEnd_shouldFailWithException
✅ emptyString_shouldFailWithException
✅ parseDecimalAmountWithDifferentSeparator
✅ testParseIntegerAmount
✅ parseDecimalAmount
✅ withGarbageAtTheBeginning_shouldFailWithException
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.ColorTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 609ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.ColorTest | 9✅ | 609ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.ColorTest
✅ color_rgba_percent
✅ color_rgb_percent
✅ color_hex_alpha
✅ color_hsla
✅ color_name
✅ color_rgba
✅ color_hex
✅ color_hsl
✅ color_rgb
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.PreferencesHelperTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 117ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.PreferencesHelperTest | 2✅ | 117ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.PreferencesHelperTest
✅ shouldGetLastExportTimeDefaultValue
✅ shouldGetLastExportTimeCurrentValue
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.TimestampHelperTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 154ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.TimestampHelperTest | 4✅ | 154ms |
✅ org.gnucash.android.test.unit.util.TimestampHelperTest
✅ shouldGetUtcStringFromTimestamp
✅ shouldGetTimestampFromNow
✅ shouldGetTimestampFromEpochZero
✅ shouldGetTimestampFromUtcString
✅ TEST-org.gnucash.android.util.BackupManagerTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 5s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.gnucash.android.util.BackupManagerTest | 3✅ | 5s |
✅ org.gnucash.android.util.BackupManagerTest
✅ getBackupList
✅ whenNoBackupsHaveBeenDone_shouldReturnEmptyBackupList
✅ backupAllBooks