- OS - Hojuix for x86_64 (The main project)
- PiOS - Experiments with OSDev on AArch64 (Specifically for Raspberry Pi 3/4)
- RiscV - My personal exploration into RiscV (RV64, eventually under OpenSBI)
- Libk is currently built separate from the 64 bit kernel, but does not have to be moved
- Going to port the Build System to CMake in the future
- Keyboard (Functional but needs more work)
- Framebuffer (Not double-buffered, yet)
- PIT Timer (@ 100hz)
- Physical Memory Manager
- Virtual Memory Manager (4 Level Paging)
- Basic RS232 Driver
- Completed Keyboard Driver
- PS/2 Mouse Driver (Not planning to do anything with it currently, but want support)
- Massive overhaul of GDT / IDT / ISR Code (And implement a TSS)