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Developer API

AoElite edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 3 revisions

Developer API

  • You can find the latest API version on jitpack or look in the build.gradle of Grim.
  • API source code can be found on it's github.



    maven("") {
        content {
dependencies {
    compileOnly("com.github.grimanticheat:grimapi:VERSION") // replace this with actual version


    <version>VERSION</version><!-- replace this with the actual version -->

Ensure that your plugin depends on GrimAC in your plugin.yml.

  - GrimAC

Example usage

You can retrieve an instance of the API implementation using Bukkit's service provider whenever your plugin starts.

        if (Bukkit.getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("GrimAC")) {
            RegisteredServiceProvider<GrimAbstractAPI> provider = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistration(GrimAbstractAPI.class);
            if (provider != null) {
                GrimAbstractAPI api = provider.getProvider();

Bukkit Events

A list of grim bukkit events can be found on the github. Here's an example of how you can print to console when a player flags a checks.

    public void onGrimFlag(FlagEvent event) {
        GrimUser user = event.getPlayer();
        AbstractCheck check = event.getCheck();
        Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(user.getName() + " flagged check " + check.getCheckName());

Registering variables

You can use the API to register variables you can use within the configuration files of Grim.

// get a instance of the API
GrimAbstractAPI api = getInstance();

// registers a variable based on the user
api.registerVariable("%keep_alive_ping%", user -> user.getKeepAlivePing() + "");

// registers a static variable
api.registerVariable("%server%", user -> "Server Name");

Player features

You can use the FeatureManager to enable specific features per player that persist between reloads.

// example method to enable experimental checks for a player
    public void enableExperimentalChecks(Player player, GrimAbstractAPI api) {
        GrimUser user = api.getGrimUser(player);
        if (user == null) return;
        if (user.getFeatureManager().setFeatureState("ExperimentalChecks", FeatureState.ENABLED)) {
            player.sendMessage("Experimental checks enabled");
        } else {
            player.sendMessage("Failed to enable experimental checks");