Constants for manipulating colours on Terminal etc. For further details, see The format is ESC character (ASCII character 27) + "[" + number + "m".
This requires support for colorizing text in the relevant console being used. Not all terminal programs support this. Where unsupported, the character sequence for the formatting will be outputted instead. Obviously, changing color is unsupported when writing to log files.
Some terminals (e.g. Visual Studio Code) will enforce foreground color based on background, presumably to prevent accessibility violations.
Dependency management is available in the documentation for each project, but also aggregated here:
You'll need a Personal Access Token to use GitHub REST APIs. You'll then need to add this to the JSON object in your atlas-settings.json, in the .vss directory of your user home directory:
"hcl-github": {
"type": "github",
"token": "${env.TOKEN}"
You'll need to add to your repositories object in the atlas.json of your project:
"id": "hcl-github",
"type": "github",
"url": ""
You'll need the relevant dependency to add to your dependencies or testDependencies object in the atlas.json of your project:
"library": "voltscript-console-colors",
"version": "1.0.1",
"module": "VoltScriptConsoleColors.vss",
"repository": "hcl-github"
## Code of Conduct
Let's chat on OpenNTF Discord.
For long-running discussions, use Discussions area in GitHub. For bugs and feature requests specific to VoltScript Testing Framework use, Issues area.