All of the flappy bird exaples for our robotics programs 2d programming challenges
import random,time try: from data import * except: file = open("", "w") file.write("highScore = 0") file.close() pos = 0 pillarDistance = 200 pillarDistanceTwo = 350 pillarDistanceThree = 500 pillarMid = random.randint(30, 130) pillarMidTwo = random.randint(30, 130) pillarMidThree = random.randint(30, 130) birdH = 100 startTime = time.time()-30 play = 0 score = 0 gameOver = 0 gameScreen = 2 frameNums = 0 print(highScore)def setup(): frameRate(100) background(255) size(300, 400) background(0, 163, 255) global pillarDistance,pillarDistanceTwo,pillarDistanceThree,pillarMidTwo,pillarMidThree, pillarMid,birdH,startTime,score,highScore,gameScreen pillarDistance += -1 pillarDistanceTwo += -1 pillarDistanceThree += -1 fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceThree, pillarMidThree+50, 30, 300,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceThree, pillarMidThree-210, 30, 200,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceTwo, pillarMidTwo+50, 30, 300,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceTwo, pillarMidTwo-210, 30, 200,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistance, pillarMid+50, 30, 300,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistance, pillarMid-210, 30, 200,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) fill(0, 170, 0) rect(pillarDistanceThree-10, pillarMidThree+50, 50,20, 2) rect(pillarDistanceThree-10, pillarMidThree-20, 50,20, 2) rect(pillarDistanceTwo-10, pillarMidTwo+50, 50, 20,2) rect(pillarDistanceTwo-10, pillarMidTwo-20, 50, 20,2) rect(pillarDistance-10, pillarMid+50, 50, 20,2) rect(pillarDistance-10, pillarMid-20, 50, 20,2) rect(0,250,500,400) img = loadImage("bird.png") image(img, 0, birdH, 50,45) startTime = time.time() time.sleep(2) gameScreen = 1
def draw(): global pillarDistance,pillarDistanceTwo,pillarDistanceThree,pillarMidTwo,pillarMidThree, pillarMid,birdH,startTime,score,gameOver,gameScreen, frameNums,highScore if gameScreen == 0 and gameOver == 0: background(0, 163, 255) pillarDistance += -1 pillarDistanceTwo += -1 pillarDistanceThree += -1 fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceThree, pillarMidThree+50, 30, 300,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceThree, pillarMidThree-210, 30, 200,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceTwo, pillarMidTwo+50, 30, 300,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistanceTwo, pillarMidTwo-210, 30, 200,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistance, pillarMid+50, 30, 300,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) rect(pillarDistance, pillarMid-210, 30, 200,3, 3, 3, 3) fill(0, 189, 0) fill(0, 170, 0) rect(pillarDistanceThree-10, pillarMidThree+50, 50,20, 2) rect(pillarDistanceThree-10, pillarMidThree-20, 50,20, 2) rect(pillarDistanceTwo-10, pillarMidTwo+50, 50, 20,2) rect(pillarDistanceTwo-10, pillarMidTwo-20, 50, 20,2) rect(pillarDistance-10, pillarMid+50, 50, 20,2) rect(pillarDistance-10, pillarMid-20, 50, 20,2) rect(0,275,500,400) fill(0) textSize(15) text(str(score), 10, 15) fill(0) textSize(15) text(str(highScore), 270, 15) img = loadImage("bird.png") image(img, 0, birdH, 50,45) birdH += -((startTime-time.time()+0.4))*6 if birdH > 250: gameOver = 1 if pillarDistance == -50: pillarDistance = 400 print(pillarDistance) pillarMid = random.randint(30, 160) score += 1 print(score) if pillarDistanceTwo == -50: pillarDistanceTwo = 400 print(pillarDistanceTwo) pillarMidTwo = random.randint(30, 160) score +=1 print(score) if pillarDistanceThree == -50: pillarDistanceThree = 400 print(pillarDistanceThree) pillarMidThree = random.randint(30, 160) score +=1 print(score) if pillarDistance < 30 and (pillarMid+24<birdH or pillarMid-10>birdH) and pillarDistance > -15: gameOver = 1 time.sleep(1) if pillarDistanceTwo < 30 and (pillarMidTwo+24<birdH or pillarMidTwo-10>birdH)and pillarDistanceTwo > -15: gameOver = 1 time.sleep(1) if pillarDistanceThree < 30 and (pillarMidThree+24<birdH or pillarMidThree-10>birdH)and pillarDistanceThree > -15: gameOver = 1 time.sleep(1) elif gameScreen == 2: background(0, 163, 255) fill(0) circle(90, 200, 100) fill(255) textSize(15) text(" Press\nTo Start", 60, 190) img = loadImage("bird.png") image(img, 125, 10, 100,90) textSize(15) text(" Game By:\nAlex Dickhans", 100, 90) fill(0) circle(210, 200, 100) fill(255) textSize(15) text(" Press\nTo Close", 180, 190) elif gameScreen == 1: background(0, 163, 255) fill(0) circle(90, 200, 100) fill(255) textSize(15) text(" Press\nTo Start", 60, 190) img = loadImage("bird.png") image(img, 125, 50, 100,90) fill(0) circle(210, 200, 100) fill(255) textSize(13) text(" Press\nTo See Credits", 170, 190) elif gameOver == 1: background(0, 163, 255) textSize(30) text("Gameover\n Score:"+str(score), 70, 50) fill(0) pillarDistance = 200 pillarDistanceTwo = 350 pillarDistanceThree = 500 birdH = 100 frameNums += 1 if score > highScore: highScore = score gameFile = open("", "w") stringToSave = "highScore = "+str(score) gameFile.write(stringToSave) gameFile.close() if frameNums == 120: frameNums = 0 gameOver = 0 score = 0 startTime = time.time()
def mousePressed(): global birdH,startTime,play,gameScreen if gameScreen == 1: if (dist(mouseX,mouseY,90, 200)<50): gameScreen = 0 startTime = time.time()-0.1 elif(dist(mouseX,mouseY,210, 200)<50): gameScreen = 2 time.sleep(0.1) elif gameScreen == 2: if (dist(mouseX,mouseY,90, 200)<50): gameScreen = 0 startTime = time.time()-0.1 elif(dist(mouseX,mouseY,210, 200)<50): gameScreen = 1 elif gameScreen == 0: startTime = time.time()-0.1
def keyPressed(): global birdH,startTime,play,gameScreen if key == CODED: if keyCode == UP: startTime = time.time()-0.1 if key == " ": startTime = time.time()-0.1