Python package to plot charts from a user's LastFM data. LastCharts downloads a users entire listing history using the LastFM Rest API, and includes methods to create pre-defined charts.
- Bar chart race:
- Stacked bar plot of top artists with album distribution:
- Python. not sure what is minimum version required. I have used 3.12.
- To generate bar chart races you need at least one of:
- FFmpeg for exporting video formats like mp4
- ImageMagick for exporting gifs
- A LastFM API account, it is very easy to setup. See your existing LastFM API accounts here.
cd LastCharts
pip install .
In Jupyter/python shell:
import lastcharts
lc = lastcharts.LastCharts(YOUR API KEY, YOUR USERNAME)
lc.load_scrobbles(user = ENTER USERNAME)
- If no username is provided it will use your username.
- Go grab a snack. The first time you run this for a user it may run for a very long time, depending on how long the users history is. You can only load 200 scrobbles at a time from LastFM, and the API is heavily rate limited. The next time you run this command only new scrobbles will be downloaded, and it will be much faster.
Once the scrobbles are loaded you can start plotting. The first time you plot a stacked bar plot album covers are downloaded to your computer, so it may take a little while to run the first time.
startDate = None, # Optional start date for plot, format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate = None, # Optional end date for plot, format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
nArtists = 15, # Change how many artists are included
artLimitCoefficient = 0.05 # Cofficient to determine which albums will include cover art.
# 0.05 => only albums with at least 5% of the highest bar will get a cover art
This is very cool, but quite slow and memory intensive, so you may have to tweak the parameters a bit to get the results you want. The dates are filtered before plotting if the history is long, as it otherwise made me run out of memory. Adjust length, f_period and **{steps_per_period} to find your ideal tradeoff between length, smoothness and performance. For more information on **bcr_options
check the bar_chart_race documentation.
column = "artist", # Can select artist, album or track
startDate = None, # Optional start date for plot, format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate = None, # Optional end date for plot, format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
length = 10, # Length of the resulting video in seconds
f_periods = 15, # Number of dates to plot per second
format = "gif", # Format to save, gif, mp4,...
skip_empty_dates = False, # Option to skip dates with no scrobbles
**{"steps_per_period" : 4, # Number of frames per period
"fig_kwargs": { # kwargs for fig
"dpi": 100}, # dpi of images
} # Custom arguments for the bar_chart_race. More available
Bar plot of top artists, album or tracks, with optional time filtering.
column = "artist", # Artist, album or track
nBars = 15, # Number of bars to plot
startDate = None, # Optional start date for plot, format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate = None # Optional end date for plot, format ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Fix formatting of longer artist/album names
- Consider adding a way to estimate how long it will take to generate bar chart race based on length, f_period, steps_per_period and dpi. Can save a number to use for estimates to config/config.json5
- Maybe add cover art to bar chart race labels
- Maybe add more charts if I get any good ideas