V6 for CumulusUtils
This is the source code for the CumulusUtils ( or CUtils for short) website utility to be used with CumulusMX weather station software.
The license is the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License which is basically a usage license (not like GNU, BSD or MIT etc...). You are invited to look at the differences between those different type of licenses, also the difference between free software and gratuit.
The tool is published on the subforum for CumulusUtils (https://cumulus.hosiene.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=17998) on the main CumulusMX forum where the basic installation and usage instructions can be found as well. For more extensive explanation the user is invited to use the specific wiki pages (https://www.cumuluswiki.org/a/Category:CumulusUtils).
The code has been published for several reasons but mainly because:
- Several resources (Highcharts, gauges and supporting libraries) more or less require the software which uses them to be open and free.
- It makes the source available for users to check that it does no strange things to their environment
- It may invite users to take a look and make suggestions, or cooperate in any way they want
- It may inspire others to see how one can use the CMX data and do something with it.
Wagenborgen, 26 april 2023 : initial release