Refraction is a java code-generation API to allow easy use of java reflection API.
Add the following repository to your pom.xml.
Add the following dependencies to your pom.xml.
There are 4 annotations provided by this API
@BaseClass // This Configures the BaseClass that reflection will reflect onto
@Field // This signifies a method to be a field accessor
@Constructor // This signifies a method to be a constructor
@Abstracted // Used in input parameters to signify an input to be a wrapper.
You can use the API by creating a wrapper interface. An example interface is given here, it should be self explanatory.
public interface ExampleInterface {
// If you want to access a method, copy it from the base class.
void doSomething();
int getSomeInteger();
// @Field declares a method to be a field accessor.
// If return type is void, it is a setter or else it is a getter.
@Field(name = "privateVariable")
Object getPrivateVariable();
// It could cast the returned value to anytype.
@Field(name = "privateVariable")
int getPrivateVariableAsInteger();
@Field(name = "privateVariable")
void setPrivateVariable(Object someVariable);
// If return type has @BaseClass annotation.
// Implementation will be automatically created.
@Field(name = "privateVariable")
ExampleWrapper getPrivateVariableAsInteger();
// @Constructor declares a method to be a constructor
// The return type MUST be the wrapper interface.
ExampleInterface newInstance();
// @Abstracted is used in parameters to indicate
// an input being a wrapper interface.
// The generated code will then unwrap the implementation object.
void doSomething(@Abstracted ExampleWrapper wrapper);
To create an implementation of the wrapper interface, use the .create() method in its implementation.
Object obj = ...;
ExampleInterface inf = ExampleInterfaceImplementation.create(obj);