A light color scheme for your terminal and gui inspired by the Fruit color scheme and Python's Idle.
You can either download the colors/fruidle.vim
into your colors folder, or if
you use vim-plug you can just add this
to your plug block.
Plug 'HellRok/Fruidle'
Pop this in your .vimrc.
syntax enable
set t_Co=256 " 256 terminal colours
colorscheme fruidle
If you use the
vim-indent-guides plugin
you'll need to add let indent_guides_auto_colors = 0
to get the correct
colours in your terminal. If you don't do this they'll be trampled by the plugin
and be white/lightgrey instead of two different shades of grey.
Shout outs to Andrés Suárez for creating the original version of this theme and doing all the hard work.
This is a modification of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2494