The purpose of this project is to load balance requests among multiple hosts.
Most DB Connectors works with multi-host connection string. If we refer to MySQL documentation, it explains that, we can add multiple hosts to connection string, for example:
Server=host1, host2, host3; Database=myDataBase; Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword
The above connection string is valid, and the requests should be load balanaced among the 3 hosts. Unfortunately there are several open bugs (81650, 88962) for MySQL Connector for .Net and multi-host connection string does not work:
This project is for developers who use .NET with MySQL Connector/Net. It allows you to use a multi-host connection string and it uses a simple a round robin algorithm to distribute the requests among all hosts. If it detect that one of the hosts is down, it would ignore it for 5 mins, and then retries the host. Your connection would still work if you have at least one running DB instance.
Note: this project does not handle the synchronization among DB instances, it is simply a load balancer which distributes the load among DB instances
Create a folder in your project (you can call it DbConnectionManager
) and copy the following 3 files in this folder:
Now you can use a multi-host connection string, something like below:
<add name="DataDB" connectionString="Server=,; Port=3306; Database=datadb; Uid=root; Pwd=secret" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>
<add name="LogDB" connectionString="Server=,; Port=3306; Database=logdb; Uid=root; Pwd=secret" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>
Then instanciate your DbContext
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
// instead of passing the connection string name to base constructor, use the following code
// public B2bDbContext() : base("DataDB")
// MySQLConnectionManager uses round robin algorithm to choose the least recently used host and establishes a connection to that node
// passing true for contextOwnConnection ensures that connection is terminated once MyDbContext is disposed
public MyDbContext() : base(MySQLConnectionManager.GetLoadBalancedConnection("DataDB"), true/*contextOwnConnection*/)
public virtual DbSet<MyEntity1> MyEntity1 { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<MyEntity2> MyEntity2 { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
This project is intented only for MySQL and Connector/Net, most other connectors already handle a multi-host connection string, and you won't be needing this project.