icp4d_tools.sh is a command line utlity to host all of the troubleshooting and serviceability tooling around ICP4D. The tool must be run from the first master node of an existing installed ICP4D cluster.
./icp4d_tools.sh [OPTIONS]
--preinstall: Run pre-installation requirements checks (CPU, RAM, and Disk space, etc.)
--type=master|worker: If the current node will be master or worker. For add-ons, choose worker
--install_dir=<install directory>
--data_dir=<data directory> mandatory for worker node
--preinstall25: Run pre-installation requirements checks (CPU, RAM, and Disk space, etc.) for Cloud Pak Data 2.5. Any version prior should use --preinstall
--type=master|worker: If the current node will be master or worker.
--health: Run post-installation cluster health checker
--health=local: Run post-installation health check locally on individual node
--collect=smart|standard: Run log collection tool to collect diagnostics and logs files from every pod/container. Default is smart
--component=db2,dsx,dv: Run DB2 Hand log collection,DSX, Data Virtualization Diagnostics logs collection.
Works with --collect=standard option
--persona=c,a,o: Runs a focused log collection from specific pods related to a personas Collect, Organize and Analyze. Works with --collect=standard option
--line=N: Capture N number of rows from pod log
--namespace=xx,yy,zz: Run the tool in context of the provided namespaces. By default 'zen' namespace is always included.
--help: Prints this message
./icp4d_tools.sh --preinstall --type=worker --install_dir=/ibm --data_dir=/data
./icp4d_tools.sh --preinstall25 --type=master
./icp4d_tools.sh --health
./icp4d_tools.sh --health=local
./icp4d_tools.sh --collect=smart
./icp4d_tools.sh --collect=standard --component=db2,dsx,dv
./icp4d_tools.sh --collect=standard --persona=c,a