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Merge pull request #9434 from N-thony/getPass_correction
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getPass version correction
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N-thony authored Feb 11, 2025
2 parents 0f53692 + 221da97 commit 5de08ae
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Showing 3 changed files with 132 additions and 130 deletions.
62 changes: 32 additions & 30 deletions instat/static/InstatObject/R/InstallPackages.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")

#Install packages from CRAN archive
install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="source")

#Install packages from win.binary
install.packages("stringi", dependencies = FALSE, repos='', type = "win.binary")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ packs <- c("abind", "agricolae", "agridat", "agriTutorial",
"FNN", "fontawesome", "forcats", "foreach", "forecast", "foreign",
"formattable", "", "Formula", "fracdiff", "fs",
"future.apply", "future", "gapminder", "gclus", "gcookbook",
"generics", "GenSA", "geomtextpath", "geosphere", "gert", "getPass",
"generics", "GenSA", "geomtextpath", "geosphere", "gert",
"GGally", "ggalt", "ggeffects", "ggfittext", "ggformula", "ggfortify",
"ggmosaic", "ggplot2", "ggplotify", "ggpmisc", "ggpp", "ggpubr",
"ggrepel", "ggridges", "ggsci", "ggside", "ggsignif", "ggstats",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,38 +80,39 @@ packs <- c("abind", "agricolae", "agridat", "agriTutorial",
"rappdirs", "raster", "rasterVis", "rbibutils", "rcmdcheck",
"RColorBrewer", "rcorpora", "Rcpp", "RcppArmadillo", "RcppEigen",
"RcppParallel", "RcppRoll", "RCurl", "Rdpack", "reactable", "reactR",
"readODS", "readr", "readxl", "recipes", "registry", "relimp",
"rematch", "rematch2", "remotes", "repr", "reshape", "reshape2",
"rgl", "rio", "rje", "rlang", "rmarkdown", "RMAWGEN", "Rmpfr",
"robustbase", "rootSolve", "roxygen2", "rpart", "rpivotTable",
"rprojroot", "rrefine", "RSQLite", "rstan", "rstanarm", "rstantools",
"rstatix", "rstudioapi", "rtf", "Rttf2pt1", "rversions", "rvest",
"rworldmap", "rworldxtra", "s2", "sandwich", "sass", "scales",
"scatterplot3d", "SearchTrees", "segmented", "selectr", "seriation",
"sessioninfo", "sf", "shades", "shape", "shiny", "shinyFiles",
"shinyjs", "shinystan", "shinythemes", "shinyWidgets", "sjlabelled",
"sjmisc", "sjPlot", "sjstats", "skimr", "snakecase", "SnowballC",
"sodium", "sourcetools", "sp", "spam", "SparseM", "SPEI", "splines2",
"splus2R", "SQUAREM", "StanHeaders", "statip", "statquotes",
"statsr", "stinepack", "stringdist",
"readODS", "readr", "readxl", "recipes", "reformulas", "registry",
"relimp", "rematch", "rematch2", "remotes", "repr", "reshape",
"reshape2", "rgl", "rio", "rje", "rlang", "rmarkdown", "RMAWGEN",
"robustbase", "rootSolve", "roxygen2", "rpart",
"rpivotTable", "rprojroot", "rrefine", "RSQLite", "rstan", "rstanarm",
"rstantools", "rstatix", "rstudioapi", "rtf", "Rttf2pt1", "rversions",
"rvest", "rworldmap", "rworldxtra", "s2", "sandwich", "sass",
"scales", "scatterplot3d", "SearchTrees", "segmented", "selectr",
"seriation", "sessioninfo", "sf", "shades", "shape", "shiny",
"shinyFiles", "shinyjs", "shinystan", "shinythemes", "shinyWidgets",
"sjlabelled", "sjmisc", "sjPlot", "sjstats", "skimr", "snakecase",
"SnowballC", "sodium", "sourcetools", "sp", "spam", "SparseM",
"sparsevctrs", "SPEI", "splines2", "splus2R", "SQUAREM", "StanHeaders",
"statip", "statquotes", "statsr", "stinepack", "stringdist",
"styler", "survival", "svglite", "sys", "systemfonts", "tensorA",
"testthat", "texmex", "textshaping", "", "threejs",
"tibble", "tidyr", "tidyselect", "tidytext", "timechange", "timeDate",
"tinytex", "TLMoments", "tokenizers", "treemapify", "trend",
"tryCatchLog", "tseries", "TSP", "TTR", "tzdb", "ucminf", "units",
"urca", "urlchecker", "usethis", "utf8", "V8", "vars", "vcd",
"vcdExtra", "vctrs", "vegan", "verification", "viridis", "viridisLite",
"visdat", "visreg", "vroom", "waffle", "wakefield", "waldo",
"weathermetrics", "whisker", "withr", "wk", "wordcloud", "writexl",
"strucchange", "styler", "survival", "svglite",
"sys", "systemfonts", "tensorA",
"testthat", "texmex",
"textshaping", "", "threejs", "tibble", "tidyr", "tidyselect",
"tidytext", "timechange", "timeDate", "tinytex", "TLMoments",
"tokenizers", "treemapify", "trend", "tryCatchLog", "tseries",
"TSP", "TTR", "tzdb", "ucminf", "units", "urca", "urlchecker",
"usethis", "utf8", "V8", "vars", "vcd", "vcdExtra", "vctrs",
"vegan", "verification", "viridis", "viridisLite", "visdat",
"visreg", "vroom", "waffle", "wakefield", "waldo", "weathermetrics",
"whisker", "withr", "wk", "wordcloud", "writexl", "xfun",
"xml2", "xopen", "xtable", "xts", "yaml", "yulab.utils",
"zip", "zoo", "Zseq", "zyp")
"xml2", "xopen", "xtable", "xts", "yaml", "yulab.utils", "zip",
"zoo", "Zseq", "zyp")

install.packages(packs, dependencies = FALSE, repos='', type="win.binary")

Expand Down

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