3573 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
⭐ Features
- Changed underlying R function in dlgOneVariable Summarise > customised tab (from mmtable function to gt function) (#8330)
- Ensured that variables fill automatically in Make date dialog (#8260)
- Improved default output startup commands, comments, heights of outputs and R-Instat initialization (#8331)
- Improved the Data View right click menu (#8341)
- Added a Use Table dialog (#8145)
- Enabled plot options in Line Plot dialog. (#8334)
- Add label options to the Mapping dialog (#8305)
- Improved the back-to-back charts in the Bar Chart dialog (#8326)
- Improved layout of New Data Frame dialog (#8322)
- Added drop variables feature to Stack(Pivot Longer) dialog (#8318)
- Added options in New Themes subdialog for frequency and summary tables. (#8027)
- Changed mmtable2() to gt() in Describe < Tables dialog (#8259)
- Added a layer parameter for density ridges (#8289)
- Reorder items and added View (HTML) items on data frame right click menu (#8292)
- Minor changes to the Insert Column/Rows dialog (#8287)
- Simplified the use of comments when a data frame does not have key variables in Add Comment dialog (#8257)
- Renamed first radio button in New Data Frame dialog (#8255)
- Ensured that 'tmin' & 'rain' fill automatically in Climatic Boxplot dialog (#8243)
- Provide default station column in Fill Date Gaps dialog (#8241)
- Added Bayesian keyboard to the Model dialog (#8249)
- Improved layout of Main Menu Toolbar (#8252)
- Moved the log window to the first tab in the script window (#8191)
- Improved the R code produced by One Variable > Summarise dialog (#8182)
- Improved Rhelp for Model Menu Dialogs (#8181)
- Added Selected Items label to multiple receivers for dialogs in Prepare > Databook sub menu (#8205)
- Reset the Data View scroll bar to the top (#8233)
- Increased the number of preview lines in Import dialog (#8208)
- Added x2 (tmax) x3 (tmin) and x5 (rain) elements to Define Climatic dialog (#8227)
- Ensure that Filter dialog always reopens in default state (#8222)
- Made day column the default button in the Climatic > Tidy > Tidy Daily Data dialog (#8218)
- Ensured that year fills automatically in PICSA dialogs (#8226)
- Ensured that rainfall is filled automatically in Climatic > Check QC Rainfall dialog (#8221)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Ensured that Key checkbox correctly set in Row Names/Numbers dialog (#8290)
- Ensured that View/Delete Labels dialog works correctly when just one variable (#8343)
- Ensured that text containing apostrophes (single quotes) is correctly translated (#8344)
- Ensured that Bar Chart dialog opens with the correct settings, and improved formatting (#8316)
- Ensured that Import Dataset dialog does not hang when opened in French (#8329)
- Ensured that R script generated by Climatic Summary dialog is correct (#8327)
- Ensured that tool bar tool tips translate correctly between English and other languages (#8315)
- Ensured that 'Code generated by' comment includes dialog name (#8312)
- Ensured that Element field can be changed in Climatic Boxplot dialog (#8302)
- Ensured that Climatic > Check Data > Display Daily Data dialog works in non-English languages (#8293)
- Ensure that list of last 10 opened dialogs is displayed in correct language (#8295)
- Ensured that 'Colour Columns by Structure' check box works correctly in Column Structure dialog (#8240)
- Fixed bug in Describe> Multivariate> Canonical Correlation Analysis dialog (#8206)
- Ensured that number of indices selected is in the middle of the message in Climdex Indices dialog (#8228)
- Fixed factor level order for
type in Table Summaries (#8211) - Fixed a bug in Tidy Climatic Data dialog (#8204)