305 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- Ensures the name and version number are displayed in Programs and Features (#9365)
- Additional button in the Insert > Save Results Tab (#9371)
- Bug fix in Levels/Labels dialogue when filter is applied (#9369)
- Added Empty dialog to Climate>Model>Outfilling (#9364)
- Simplifying the bottom-right-click menu (#9356)
- Improving the additional libPaths (#9318)
- Fixed the problems in the Describe > One Variable > Summarise (#9355)
- Improving barchart and histogram dialog (#9294)
- Improved the Mosaic Plot Dialog (#9296)
- Enabled R viewer in the main menu (#9349)
- Improvements to describe>one variable>frequencies Multi-Receiver (#9302)
- Fixes bug in adding variable in multiple receiver (#9311)
- Formatting script from preview window in Insert Dialogue (#9343)
- Displaying multi-line comments better, from scripts (#9337)
- Fixed bug with with ordered factors (#9344)
- Implementing Comment/Uncomment lines in Script Window (#9338)
- Update one variable summarise (#9322)
- Fixed Issue with Convert Numeric dialog not popping up (#9341)
- Navigation improvements in bar chart dialog (#9285)
- Improved Plot Options Items in Bar Chart Dialog (#9335)
- Tidy code for Prepare > Dataframe > View Dialog (#9331)
- Added missing themes for ggplot2 graphs (#9333)
- Fixed Item placement in the View menu (#9316)
- Added the table options into the Summarise 2/3 variables dialog (#9317)
- Improved the display of shapefile data (#9291)
- Improved the message for checking the version available on the website (#9310)
- Adding a "labels with" button to the rename dialog (#9295)
- Update One Variable Summarise and changing the Format options to Table Options (#9297)
- Hide Model, Structured, Experiments, and Procurement Menus (#9298)
- Autofill of summary variables in the Climograph dialog. (#9192)
- Corrected the Autofilling in the Fill Date Gaps Dialog (#9279)
- Enhance Define Climatic Dialogue Autofill (#9275)
- Implemented Improved R code for One Variable Graph (#9281)
- Fixed a minor bug in Line plot dialog (#9276)
- Bug Fixes in Parallel Coordinate Plot (#9228)
- Improved the skim option in the 2/3 Variable summarise dialog (#9290)
- Improving Describe > Two/Three Variables > Summarise (#9197)
- Corrections to the rename dialog (#9278)
- Updating the database (#9277)
- Fixed bug in Labels dialogue (#9262)
- Fixing sort for descending (#9257)
- Allows themes selection in table options (#9261)
- Improving Summary Tables dialog (#9258)
- Changes in column summaries dialog (#9250)
- Added a drop down and implemented the file option to the Help menu Icon (#9245)
- Set No loaded data text correctly after auto saving (#9246)
- Adding table options to prepare>dataframe>view dialog (#9174)
- Improvement to Describe > Tables dialog (#9203)
- Adds viewing and exporting (to HTML, LATEX and RTF) of saved tables in use table dialog (#9253)
- Minor correction in the Prepare > Data Reshape > Column Summary Dialogue (#9244)
- Getting n_distinct working for summaries (#9248)
- Adding help context to Climatic Distances dialog (#9243)
- Updating help file (#9240)
- Changing the help context # for all three right-click menus (#9239)
- Allowing to summarise columns not by a factor (#9232)
- Fixes paste from clipboard bug (#9237)
- Fixed Legend position option in the Line graph > slope option (#9202)
- Correctly Assigned RHelp to the HeatMap Dialog (#9229)
- Updated the message for the current R version (#9226)
- Minor changes to the main menu (#9224)
- Bug fixes in the append to variable metadata function (#9217)
- Update README.md to the correct download link (#9200)
- Add text on Define as Climatic Dialogue (#9084)
- Changed Text in the Data Base for Start of Rain dialog. (#9195)
- updated packages (#9218)
- Some Changes Made in Length of Season Dialog (#9157)
- Added Fraction of Evaporation to the Start of the Rains Dialog (#9194)
- Implementing undo in Reogrid (#9189)
- Fixes Bug with the facets in the Mosiac dialog (#9199)
- Added Export Comments Feature to Export to Climsoft dialog (#9182)
- Adding four new keys to functions keyboard (#9178)
- Version Number in the Frmmain code file (#9161)
- Improvements to general graphics dialog (#9190)
- Implemented Updates Describe > Two Variable Summarise (#9074)
- Formatting Script (#9153)
- Create release-build (#9186)
- Fixing sort_dataframe (#9184)
- More improvements to Distances dialog (#9183)
- Added Distances dialog to Climatic > Check data (#9166)
- Fix Error in Climatic > Prepare > Transform > Moving sum (#9172)
- Bug fix for new machine running R-Instat (#9165)
- Added Back the Version Number (#9159)
- Improvements to Crop Probabilities dialog (#9085)
- Small Change in the Start of Rains Dialogs. (#9147)
- Creating additional library on vb.net level rather than R (#9150)
- Added New Distances dialog (#9148)
- Gt Table Dialogs (#8978)
- Bug fixes in adding columns (#9091)
- Improvements to the Climsoft Export dialog (#9112)
- Fixing the setting of library paths (#9145)
- Recovery improvement (#9138)
- Added the option to import from Github (#8858)
- Added An Ordinary Climograph to The Climatic Menu (#8971)
- Additional library for R-Instat (#9139)
- Fixed Some Bugs in Line Plot Dialog (#9073)
- Disable Select all button and apply extra filter in Rainfall QC dialog (#9133)
- Fixes importing of Climsoft observation data using station names (#9137)
- Unticked the NTotal checkbox when opening the column summaries subdialog (#9132)
- Fixing the displaying roman in the grid (#9129)
- Update CreateInstaller.yml (#9134)
- Implemented the drop unused levels checkbox in the Column Summaries dialog (#8986)
- Fixes bug in the recovery feature and version number back (#9113)
- Improvements to the pnorm key in Probability keyboard, and adding missing tooltips in the Calculator (#9128)
- Minor Change to Factor level for One Variable Summarise (#9116)
- Added Text on Json File and Some Improvement Made on Column Summaries Dialog. (#8808)
- Fixing the issue on where R-Instat looks for packages (#9120)
- Adding File > Import from Open App Builder dialog (#9121)
- Improving File>Import > Rapidpro dialog (#9017)
- An empty new dialog; Import from Open App Builder dialog (#9108)
- Improvements to Export to Google Buckets sub dialog (#9105)
- Added new help file (#9106)
- Improvements to Export to Google Buckets sub dialog (#9104)
- Reading metadata information to google buckets (#9097)
- Changes Import from Climsoft Functionalities (#9070)
- Added the Option of Loading and Saving Json Files in the R script window (#9096)
- Fixed Bug in Fill Date Gaps Dialogue (#9090)
- Improvements in the Export to Google buckets (#9077)
- Added epicawrap package into R-instat (#9078)
- Updates for the help menu and small improvements to the front screen (#9083)
- Added the version number (#9081)
- Small change in the front menu (#9080)
- Fixed regressions in Climatic > Check Data > Inventory dialog (#9064)
- Additional feature in the Find dialog (#9072)
- Further improvements to the front menu (#9069)
- Small Improvement to Climatic>Tidy Data menu (#9062)
- Minor Improvement Made on Climatic>Define As Climatic Dialog. (#9065)
- Fixed The Regression in Climatic>Prepare>Transform Dialog (#9063)
- Fixed problem with R-instat start up (#9049)
- Added a New Dialog Seasonal Graph in Climatic > Describe Menu (#8690)
- Implemented Describe > Two Variable Summarise (#8960)
- Added Items from the View menu to the Toolbar (#9040)
- Fixing minor appearance issue with interval setting box in Options > Data View dialog (#9046)
- Improving column Right click to Numeric (#9027)
- Alterations to the start screen (#9044)
- Change Save to Store in Some R-Instat Dialogues (#9047)
- Changed Save Model To Store Model In The Data Base For Markov Chains Dialogue (#9048)
- Added Scalars to the Enter Dialogue (#9034)
- Corrected the Wind Speed Parameter On Evapotranspiration Dialogue (#9041)
- Improving Climatic .> File> Export to Google Bucket dialog (#9030)
- Adding help ids for "Edit cell" and "convert to numeric" pop outs dialog's in the column right-click menu, and adjusting the store scalar checkbox in calculattor (#9038)
- Added the Version Number (#9033)
- Adding help id's for snippets-2 and general improvements to calculator (#9031)
- Updating Export Climatic following functionality amendments in the R Code (#9009)
- Corrected regression in the right-click Convert to numeric option (#9024)
- Fixed Reducing Water Issue in Transform Climatic Dialogue (#8935)
- Some Corrections Made on Plotting Sub-dialog and Line Plots (#8994)
- Fixed Water Balance Bug in End of Season Dialogue (#8916)
- Improvements to Describe > Graph > Scatterplot (#9001)
- Added scalar object (#9019)
- Improved the R code in Principal Component Analysis dialog (#8993)
- Mainly improving the transform keyboard (#9002)
- Change Save to Store in some Prepare Menu dialogues (#9016)
- Defining the Timeseries Data (#9014)
- Fixed the error caused by attach and detach functions when there is no data in Calculator (#8972)
- Added the help options to the Data window Startup screen (#9015)
- New help file (#9007)
- Improvements to Boxplot dialog (#8998)
- Adding functions keyboard to calculator (#8968)
- Adding Help context number to the Help > Packages Documentation dialog (#8991)
- Improved the R code in parallel coordinates plot dialog (#8987)
- Completing the feature of having the multiple tables (html) in output window (#8929)
- Added Select/Deselect All checkbox to the output window (#8932)
- Changes and Improvements to Model and Help menu (#8980)
- Fixed bug when using Hide/Unhide Data Frame Dialogue (#8983)
- Added Recovery Option dialogue in the Tools Menu (#8970)
- Bug fix on pasting multiple columns (#8954)
- Added Climatic > File > Export climatic definitions dialog (#8973)
- Enabling Climatic > File > Export Climatic Definitions in the Form Main (#8977)
- Correcting the help context for prepare>column>numeric>transform dialog and changing the label for calculator (#8969)
- Displaying results as a new data frame when in scale option (#8965)
- Fixes issue with Random Split having overlapping groups (#8967)
- Changes to Hide/show column item and changing paste new data frame back to paste new in edit menu (#8962)
- Corrections to probability keyboard and design improvements in the calculator (#8955)
- Reset as Constant Value To 0.23 in Climatic>Prepare>Evapotranspiration>Constants (#8945)
- Improvements to the integer keyboard and adding Catalan numbers (#8947)
- Adjusting keyboards order and changing labels in the calculator (#8944)
- Improvements to Logical and Symbols keyboard in the calculator (#8922)
- Adding help id's for snippets in R-instat (#8923)
- Enable Legend Tab on Plot Options >Themes>Simples Options Sub Dialog (#8850)
- Corrected error after position control is used (#8924)
- Convert to Numeric for logical variables (#8920)
- Fixed The Bug Created By The Reset Button in Climatic>Prepare>Evapotranspiration Dialog. (#8901)
- Adding the loops option to the transform dialog (#8862)
- Added New Climograph Dialogue On Climatic> Describe Menu (#8899)
- Fixes issue where the Levels/Labels dialog does not label the last level well (#8778)
- Small Changes in histogram dialog (#8837)
- Improvements to complex and factor keyboards in the calculator (#8911)
- Sorting the display of numbers in the output window and the grid (#8914)
- Improvements to Dates/times keyboard in the calculator (#8900)
- Displaying multiple tables (html) in the output window (#8887)
- Improvements to wakefield keyboard in the calculator (#8896)
- Added Empty dialog to Climatic>File>Export to Google Buckets (#8897)
- Fixed a Bug on Climatic > Inventory Dialogue (#8895)
- Improvements on the circular keyboard in the calculator and adding a link to numeric convert. (#8888)
- Improvements to maths, complex and hydroGOF keyboards in the calculator. (#8883)
- Improved Heatmap Dialog in the Describe > Graphics (#8802)
- Updated R packages + Added version number back (#8880)
- More improvements to help ids (#8879)
- Correcting the browsing in the Export Dataset Dialogue (#8870)
- Added ggside R package to R-instat (#8874)
- Corrected the recent file list directory for R files (#8876)
- Improvements to Describe > Graph > Scatterplot (#8873)
- Upgraded R.NET (#8868)
- Improvements to the Insert dialog (#8849)
- Adding four new keys to the calculator. (#8863)
- Added new options in Visualize data dialogue (#8667)
- Setting the limit of variables to add in the multiple receiver (#8691)
- Corrections to the Describe>Graphs> Bar chart dialog (#8851)
- Design change to Open from Library and Paste New Data Frame (#8857)
- Adjusting the help buttons positions in the calculator. (#8860)
- Improvements to the plot geom sub-dialog (#8804)
- Bug fixes in General Summary Dialogue (#8821)
- More Improvements to Boxplot dialog (#8828)
- Added Gradient Button On Colour tab In Plot Options Sub Dialog. (#8733)
- Imported the updated help file (#8834)
- Added rapidpror package (#8826)
- Small Text Change in Data Base. (#8841)
- Improvement in scatterplot, when x is a factor (#8842)
- Added an Empty Climograph Dialogue on Climatic Describe Menu (#8840)
- Improved Mosaic Plot Dialog (#8833)
- Added more commands in the Script > Insert dialog Commands Tab (#8806)
- Consistency to filter and select dialogue (#8830)
- adding help id's-1 (#8809)
- Improvement Made On Add Code Control In General Graphics Dialog. (#8765)
- Small Improvement in the Histogram dialog (#8813)
- Added CGPfunctions package to R-instat (#8814)
- Text change to the edit>paste menu (#8816)
- Adding helpid's -2 (#8810)
- Adding help id's -3 (#8811)
- Adding help ids-4 (#8812)
- Disabled horizontal scrollbar in multiple receiver (#8805)
- Moved the Percentage sub-dialog into the Summaries sub-dialog in Prepare > Data Reshape > Column Summaries (#8796)
- small changes to the general summaries dialogue (#8801)
- Added facets & legend controls to mosaic, heatmap, cumulative & parallel Graphs dialogs (#8795)
- Improving R-Instat scripts to display results in the output window (#8792)
- Added Facets & Legend to bar, scatter, line and histogram graphs dialogs (#8773)
- Bug fix in stand alone function file (#8787)
- Restore The General Graph Dialog in PICSA Menu (#8785)
- Added Help ID to Homogen dialog (#8777)
- Add Reducing Evaporation to the R-Instat Water Balance (#8698)
- Adjusted Appearance of the Define Climatic Data Dialog (#8742)
- Created Climpact dialogue that exports station data in Climpact2 format (#8708)
- Fixed bug in Column Selection > Partially labelled option (#8719)
- Made the Context Menu Control in the Split Button Scrollable (#8753)
- Fixes bug where the script tab prompt does not come with a name (#8761)
- Improvements in Describe > Graphs > Boxplot dialog (#8766)
- Fixes Export of Workspace (#8749)
- Fixed a bug in graphs dialog when using sub-dialog (#8750)
- Changing the label Boxplot \Tufte Boxplot to Boxplot in Boxplot dialog (#8751)
- Adding homogen to Climate>Check Data>Homogenization (#8672)
- Added IDF dialog to Climatic > Describe >IDF (#8692)
- Fixed Bug On The Graphics Dialogs. (#8737)
- Minor Change On Climatic Menu (#8734)
- Improve Evapotranspiration Dialog (#8414)
- Corrected the translations in the ExportToWWR Dialogue (#8702)
- Fixed Bug And Added Facet Controls On General Graphics Dialog. (#8718)
- Added key and link in Restore Hierarchy option on Prepare > Data Reshape > Unstack dialog (#8689)
- Fixed Bug in the Edit Cell dialog (#8699)
- Fixed a regression bug in Facets from recent improvements in colour options (#8720)
- Swapping Data View and Log/Script Windows (#8717)
- Ensure the cursor is visible in Script Window when executing the command with Run buttons (#8716)
- Adjusting controls in the auto save dialogue to fix overlappping in different translations (#8701)
- Corrected the message when running the Tools > Install R Package (#8700)
- Added Down Arrow On Plot Options General Graphic Dialog (#8697)
- Fixes tab order on climatic<check data<display group (#8684)
- Fixed bug in Add Link Dialogue (#8688)
- Added Empty dialog to Climatic>Describe>IDF (#8682)
- Returning the focus to the original receiver (#8649)
- Added back Version number (#8680)
- Added aov and tidy 4-variable modelling dialogue (#8665)
- Fixes bug that crashes R-Instat when global aesthetic function is null (#8661)
- Added An Empty Dialog On Climatic>Describe menu (#8679)
- Some Change Made on Climatic>Describe Menu (#8674)
- Improve Colour Option for Ggplot2 Graph (#8613)
- Added back version number (#8678)
- Improved column selection to apply or not to dataframe, metadata or dialogue (#8648)
- Fixing a bug found in Climatic > Dates > Fill Date gaps dialog (#8643)
- Added correct dialog to Climate>Tidy Data> Split Text (#8655)
- Added new Emmeans keyboard (#8639)
- Fixes bug when adding multiple columns with a single column name as the parameter (#8641)
- Fixed Some issue on Describe>Graphs>Histogram and Boxplot Dialog (#8670)
- Small changes to the climatic<tidy menu (#8669)
- Fixed Small Bug in General Graph Dialog (#8653)
- Fixes and improves insert script dialog features (#8629)
- Fixed Small Issue On General Graphics Dialog (#8642)
- Added FlipCoordinates Control in the Data Base (#8622)
- In Script window, implemented ?? operator and ensured tildas correctly parsed (#8644)
- Add version number back in (#8633)
- Updated the packages (#8624)
- New insert scripts (#8619)
- Fixed small limitation in Describe > Graphics > General dialog (#8621)
- Fixes Issue with Recent file List becoming too wide (#8612)
- Added Waffle package into R-instat (#8617)
- Bug fixes in the Rename Dialogue when Select is applied (#8540)
- Improvements to the Describe > Two variable Summarise Dialog (#8582)
- Improved and Corrected the List of Geoms in the General Graph Dialog (#8611)
- Enables viewing of output objects and adds support for renaming, deleting and reordering of summary and structured object types (#8605)
- Added Geom Count on Scatter Plot Dialog (#8601)
- Made Column metadata consistent with Data View when selection is applied (#8561)
- Fixes bug in the File > New DataFrame dialog, under Lists options (#8608)
- New Crowdin updates (#8457)
- Added geoms in the Add menu context (#8589)
- Corrects the minor grid lines options label in the panel tab of the theme sub-dialog (#8364)
- Added New Packages to R-instat (#8604)
- Added Discrete Scale to Plot Sub-Dialog (#8553)
- Removes script menu item from main form (#8599)
- Added the moderndive package to R-Instat (#8598)
- Fixed small bug in Column summaries sub-dialog (#8591)
- Fixed Minor Translation Issue on Climatic>Unstack Dialog (#8581)
- Minor bug fixes in Edit > Find Dialogue (#8590)
- Fixed minor bug in ClsDatabook (#8584)
- Fixed Minor Developer Error Message in Rename Dialog (#8592)
- Notify the user when there is a new version of R-Instat on the website (#8516)
- Bug fixes: R-Instat crashes when clicked the Toggle Data View Open and Closed Icon (#8552)
- Added Packages in R-Instat (#8566)
- Allow the user to easily reopen previously opened scripts (#8556)
- Improving PICSA graphs sub dialogs (#8545)
- Cosmetic changes to the summary/frequency tables (#8562)
- Fixes bug on Climatic > Check Data > Boxplot (#8578)
- updated packages (#8563)
- Some Improvements to the Describe > Graphics > General dialog (#8542)
- Added R packages (#8560)
- Added reorder control to histogram plot (#8547)
- Restored "none" legend option in plots sub-dialog (#8474)
⭐ Features
- Ensured that R script only analysed if it has changed since the last analysis (#8853)
- Added support for all R key words to Script window (#8746)
- In Script window, added support for question mark operator (#8627)
- Execute Script window statement by statement rather than line by line (#8551)
- Added Use as Numeric and Display as Factor checkboxes to Graphics dialog (#8448)
- Improved performance when importing wide datasets (and fixed bug when selecting multiple variables) (#8465)
- Added Add Jitter check box to the Describe > Graphs >Scatterplot dialog (#8526)
- Added new option to Rename Columns dialog (#8485)
- Improved the Describe> Graphics> Line Plot dialog (#8467)
- Improved the Describe>General and Describe>Graph menus (#8492)
- Added save option and HTML option to the View Data dialog (#8209)
- Added dropdown buttons to Output Window to show/hide R commands/comments (#8484)
- Improved Titles options in Plots subdialog (#8481)
- Added a copy of Pivot Tables to the Prepare > Check Data menu (#8480)
- Improved Describe>General menu and Describe<Graph options (#8462)
- Added find feature to Select option in Find dialog (#8463)
- Added Secondary Axis to Plot Options (#8469)
- Added Random Split dialog (#7519)
- Implemented find feature in Filter option in the Find dialogue (#8459)
- Added Help Button to Maximise window and Output window (#8430)
- Implemented wrapping and unwrapping on the DataView Grid (#8447)
- Added Colour and Fill options for density ridges (#8449)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixes pasting to existing columns, new columns and new data frame that has double quotes (#7224)
- Fixed double imports of data when using script window (#8539)
- Ensured logical layout and correct toggling of Script, Metadata, Data and Output windows (#8504)
- Ensured the Identify Key checkbox works correctly in Row Names or Numbers dialog (#8529)
- Fixed bugs on the Describe> Graphs> Barchart dialog (#8396)
- Ensured that Maximum Factor Levels Shown is not reset when Describe > One Variable Summarise dialog is reopened (#8538)
- Ensured that Numeric Variables check box remembers its state in Describe > Pivot Table dialog (#8522)
- Enabled viewing of multiple R help maximised windows in Import from Library dialog (#8515)
- Ensured that rows can be changed and comments added in the Climatic > Examine/Edit > Data entry Dialog (#8512)
- Ensured correct R code generated by File > New Data frame (#8502)
- Deleted unused items in the Edit menu (#8493)
- Bug fix when wrapping or unwrapping a list column (#8482)
- Allow R script key words to be used in Log/Script window (#8461)
- Ensured position works correctly in Calculator dialog (#8470)
- Ensured that factor labels in Plot Options subdialog are correct (#8456)
- Fixed error message in Climatic > Check Data > Inventory dialog (#8445)