ACRE2 v2.5.0.968
940 commits
to release-build
since this release
Requires CBA Version 3.4.1 or later.
Change Log Summary
- [New] SEM70 radio
- [New] TeamSpeak Channel Switching
- [New] Box with radios for quick and easy access.
- [New] Chinese and updated Japanese, German and Polish localizations. The status of translations can be seen here - Further help is always welcome!
- [New] Radio preset for AN/PRC-77, for use with getting preset data and setting default channel via SQF.
- [Major] 4nec2 Antenna Calculation - All ACRE2 radios now use antennas generated with 4nec2, allowing faster and easier addition of new antennas. Additional antennas for radios were also added.
- [Update] Default Terrain Loss coefficient to 0.5 (from 1.0). Friendlier to new users without sacrificing realism.
- [Improvement] Radios can now be opened on the main ACE3 interaction point in addition to sub-action.
- [Improvement] Privatization and other reported warnings by SQF Linter
- [Improvement]
interface support, Arma 3 now correctly reads the version from the extensions. - [Improvement] Windows file details to all extenstions, version, author and other metadata is now visible in extension properties.
- [Fix] Coordinate system for antenna calculation always facing northward.
- [Fix] Replaced broken font for AN/PRC-148 display, is no longer shifted out of view.
- [Fix] ACE3 spatial interactions (setting radios to ears) now use correct radio instead of the active one.
- [Fix]
will now return correct value when unit isnull
. - [Fix] Internal channel function of AN/PRC-77.
- [Fix] Radios being Mine Detectors (use CBA Misc Item).
- [Fix] Spectator reconnect staying on spectator list and not able to hear other players.