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ACRE2 v2.7.1.1016

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@jonpas jonpas released this 19 Aug 18:18
· 387 commits to release-build since this release

Requires CBA Version 3.11.1 or later and Arma 3 Version 1.94 or later.

This release marks a large push for numerous improvements, quality of life enhancements, fixes, customization options and compatibility with Contact (Enoch) DLC (1.94).

Community contributions include rewritten and redesigned Volume Control by mharis001, featuring a slicker user interface and cleaner code, and TMZulu' various settings for customizing Transmit Notification colors. Last but not least, Brett implemented proper tags system in TeamSpeak metadata, solving crash issues when multiple radio mods (such as ACRE and TFAR) were loaded at the same time.

Vehicle Info UI showing Intercom and Rack status has been fixed and is now compatible with latest Arma 3 update (1.94). Other fixes include several issues with radios, such as not receiving transmissions or having too long range), racks and intercoms. Together with Brett, many Zeus bugs have also been squashed and Zeus' push-to-talk for Speak from Camera now automatically activates voice in TeamSpeak.

Terrain Loss coefficient default has been set back to 1.0 after recent improvements in radio and signal handling. There are now also more signal models to choose from should you wish an easier or different signal calculation. Finally, Livonia (Enoch) compatibility has been moved to main mod folder so users no longer need to load a separate mod for full experience on the new map.

If you're looking to chat with us be sure to join our public Slack group!

Change Log Summary


  • [New] Rewrite of Volume Control.
  • [New] Default Radio Volume setting.
  • [New] Customization of Transmit Notifications.
  • [New] Spatial (ear) selection display when transmitting.


  • [Update] Move Livonia (Enoch) compatibility to main mod folder.
  • [Update] Set Terrain Loss Coefficient default back to 1.0 (there are other models now to tweak the radio range).
  • [Remove] Unused or default config entries for Racks and Intercoms.


  • [Improvement] Display frequency on single channel radios (AN/PRC-77) in ACE interaction menu.
  • [Improvement] Start speaking on push-to-talk in Zeus (without separate push-to-talk button).
  • [Improvement] Use tags for TeamSpeak metadata.
  • [Improvement] Allow some (CBA) notifications to be skipped.
  • [Improvement] Hide intercom infantry phone icon if there are no usable actions.
  • [Improvement] Use ACE3 getInteractionDistance for infantry phone interaction (support for large vehicles).
  • [Improvement] Update load order for Contact (Enoch) update.
  • [Improvement] Make C++ Vector a template class.
  • [Improvement] Use inline instead of MSCV __inline.
  • [Improvement] Disconnect aircraft racked radios from intercom.
  • [Improvement] Use new public API for CBA Settings (CBA_fnc_addSetting).
  • [Improvement] Disable MSCV unused "safe" function warnings.
  • [Improvement] Support reserved keys in radio and intercom dialogs.
  • [Improvement] Description of switch intercom keybinds.
  • [Improvement] Make ITWOM and ITM models thread safe.
  • [Improvement] Separated GSA connect and disconnect events into functions.
  • [Improvement] Convert C++ variables to basic types.
  • [Improvement] Streamline "Open Intercom GUI" key name.
  • [Improvement] Near radios now exclude rack objects (includes only regular radios).
  • [Optimisation] Continued general cleanup - Core, Signal, RPC and Mode components.


  • [Fix] Vehicle Info UI after Contact (Enoch) update.
  • [Fix] ITM radio model shadowed static variable.
  • [Fix] SEM 52SL hearable transmissions.
  • [Fix] SEM 70 hearable transmissions.
  • [Fix] AN/PRC-77 typo in variable name.
  • [Fix] Zeus position variable.
  • [Fix] Zeus near radios script error.
  • [Fix] Zeus unable to hear players on ships.
  • [Fix] Racks not being properly added to intercom in multiplayer.
  • [Fix] Units not updating in intercom (multiple intercom vehicle behaviour).
  • [Fix] Intercom and Rack persistence for JIP players.
  • [Fix] Bent antenna icon when prone or crouch in automatic antenna alignment mode.
  • [Fix] Intercom Work Knob not resetting transmission mode on disable.
  • [Fix] Adjust description when plug-in failed to be copied in order to match text button.
  • [Fix] Intercom and rack configuration warnings.
  • [Fix] Badly formatted Spanish translation.
  • [Fix] Duplicate PTT 3 keybind string.
  • [Fix] Config warning for rack short name length (4 -> 5).