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IBEX File Paths page

John Holt edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

The installation of IBEX is common for most instruments you shouldn't need to delve into the paths as a user but as an instrument scientist there may be some items you wish to edit or look at. The system is set out as follows:

  • IBEX Client: C:\Instrument\Apps\Client_E4\ibex-client.exe there should be a shortcut on the task bar
  • IBEX Server: C:\Instrument\Apps\EPICS to start and stop the server see Starting-and-Stopping-IBEX
  • genie_python: C:\Instrument\Apps\Python3\genie_python.bat usually python is accessed through the client scripting console
  • Configurations: C:\Instrument\Settings\config\<computer>\configurations this directory contains configuration, components and IOC specific configuration. The IOC specific configurations include:
    • galil: galil galil motor configurations for all controllers, including jaws, axes and motion setpoint commands but not value
    • motion setpoints: motionSetPoints the motion setpoints
    • refl: refl\ default reflectometry configuration
    • DAE tables: tables contains wiring, spectra and detector tables for the DAE
    • TCB files: tcb contains the tcb files
  • Common calibration files: C:\Instrument\Settings\config\common calibration files for instruments e.g. Eurotherm sensors
  • Log files: These are in various places depending on the source see Log File locations
  • User scripts: instrument dependent often in c:\scripts
  • Instrument scripts: C:\Instrument\Settings\config\<computer>\Python version controlled instrument scripts which are accessed through inst.. Either as a single file called or a folder called inst
  • Shared instrument scripts: C:\Instrument\scripts these are scripts shared between multiple instruments see shared instrument scripts.
  • Data: C:\data the data recorded by the instrument
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