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Products > Best Yield > Guides > Redeem |
- Visit the Idle dApp and connect your wallet.
- Go to the BY strategy page under the Earn section. There will be a Deposited assets section showing the balances deposited.
- Click on the token of interest.
- In the right panel, click Withdraw and then insert the amount of token to redeem.
- After the Tx executes, users will see their tokenized asset balance and any redeemed governance tokens less the current performance fee.
Senior Best Yield's USDT page
- Follow the steps outlined in the Redeem funds section up to point 3.
- Once on the strategy page, scroll down and you will see a summary of the claimable rewards
- Click on Claim Rewards and sign the Tx
{% hint style="warning" %} This feature is active only on Senior BY and only if the contract is paused to let users always have the possibility to redeem their funds (as interest-bearing tokens). {% endhint %}
If the Senior BY contract is paused, users can decide to withdraw their funds in the form of interest-bearing tokens (e.g. aDAI/cDAI/eDAI). To do so:
- Follow the steps outlined in the Redeem funds section up to point 3.
- In the right panel, click on Withdraw.
- Tick the Withdraw interest-bearing tokens option
- Click on Withdraw interest-bearing
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