A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about tech feminism (aka technofeminism) and feminist technology.
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- Awesome lists
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- City/Region/Country-specific
Other related awesome lists and resource collections:
- Awesome Diversity - a curated list of amazingly awesome articles, websites and resources about diversity in technology.
- fem vienna - an overview of feminist organizations in Vienna (not exclusively in tech context, but with a strong focus on it)
- Feminist / Women / Gender Diversity in Tech Initiatives in Vienna - a link/resource collection for initiatives in Vienna (Austria).
- DjangoGirls - a global network of communities that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops based on the Django web application framework.
- ngGirls - a global network of workshops and events to introduce women to the world of technology based on building a web application with Angular.
- PyLadies - an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.
- R-Ladies - a worldwide organisation whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community.
- Women in Tech e.V. - an association in the DACH-region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) with the aim that technology is designed by all genders
- PyLadiesCon - a global online conference covering all topics related to Python programming, organised by the global network of PyLadies communities
- Women Techmakers Vienna - first a local conf in Vienna (Austria), then an online conference (last edition so far 2020)
- Feminism - For more Equity in AI | Eva Gengler | TEDxCBS Cologne
- Why we need to design feminist AI | Josie Young | TEDxLondonWomen
- The Feminist City | Dr. Ellie Cosgrave | TEDxUCLWomen
- Can architecture and planning ensure safety for women? | Vania Ceccato | TEDxKTHWomen
- The surprising neuroscience of gender inequality | Janet Crawford | TEDxSanDiego
- F.U.C.K. - Feminismus und Computer Kram, FLINTA* online hackspace (bilingual mode for English-speakers)
- Haecksen - eine Gruppe für Techniker*innen, Hacker*innen, Maker*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen im Umfeld der deutschen Hacker*innenszene und solche, die es werden wollen
- Female Coders - Gruppe für Frauen, die im Rahmen zweiwöchentlicher Study Groups ihre Programmierkenntnisse erweitern oder auffrischen möchten (hauptsächlich in Linz & Wien)
- IEEE Women in Engineering Austria - Austrian chapter (with lots of connections in Vienna) of the IEEE Women in Engineering
- OVE Fem – Frauen in der Elektrotechnik - Frauennetzwerk im Österreichischen Verband für Elektrotechnik (OVE)
- VÖSI Special Interest Group Women in ICT - Quartalsweise Meetups, Vernetzung und Kooperationen im Rahmen des Verbands Österreichischer Software Industrie (VÖSI)
- diebin.at - queer*feminist ICT collective providing ICT infrastructure and workshops
- Feminist Linux Meetup für Frauen*, Non-Binary*, Trans* und Inter* Personen - … monatlicher Vernetzungs-, Lern-, Probier- & Experimentierraum
- Mz* Baltazar’s Lab - feminist collective and hackerspace with a focus on DIY projects on the intersection of arts, technology & feminism
- PyLadies Vienna - meetups and beginner courses for the Python programming language (part of the international PyLadies network).
- Referat für Gleichbehandlung und Frauenförderung an der ÖH der TU Wien - womens' department of the students union at the TU Wien
- #TheNewITGirls - a community for women in tech with monthly meetups
- Women && Code - initiative to bring women into programming in Austria, which offers different events related to coding in general, and JavaScript, Web Dev, and Python in particular
- Heart of Code - ein Hackspace für programmierende und technikbegeisterte Frauen (trans und cis), trans* und nicht-binäre Personen
- F.U.C.K. München - FNTI* und Computer Kram - monatliches Event in dem der µc3 Hackspace ausschließlich von FNTI* Personen genutzt wird
- Ready to Code - Online-Programmierworkshops und Networking Events für mehr Gendergerechtigkeit in der IT
- also hosting the Cocktails & Code meetup