Goals for version 0.0:
To load any .png image and wrap it in a rectangle.
To use keys to rotate the rectangle.
To have a simple but useful lightning scheme.
Major Version: 0 Minor Version: 0
1. Creating a Simple QML Interface Button to Select PNG image.
Activities Done So Far In This Sprint:
1. Created this README.md file using markdown.
2. Overlayed a rectangle to use it for overlayed rectangle.
3. Created Button Functionality in the Rectangle.
4. Triggered the Opening of a OpenFile Dialoge.
5. Configure filters for png images.
6. Modify the class to receive a filepath with an image.
7. Load the image and wrap it in the rectangle.
8. Convert the heathmap scene into a qobject
9. Setup a timer.
A. Rotate Around Z Axis.
Activities To Finish This Sprint:
B. Use Right and Left to rotate around rectangle normal.
C. Use Up and Down to rotate around rectangle "x" (like flipping a coin)
Next Steps:
+ Organize the Code
+ Create A Resource Manager Dialog
+ Create A Dialog to Add Primitives