Script to automatically Fetch BunnyCDN Edge Server IP and whitelist them to iptables Firewall
This script will :
- Create BunnyFetch Directory if it's not present.
- Create a text file containing list of IP to be saved on local server
- Fetch IP list from : "".
- Create a Temporary file to save the fetched IPs.
- Add and Remove IP from the Firewall and check for duplicates
- Create a LOG file.
To use this script, you can place it in the BunnyFetch directory and grant execute permissions:
chmod +x
Then, you can run the script from within the same directory:
You can still add the cron job to run the script periodically in the same way as before, but with the updated script path and log file path:
crontab -e
Add the following line to run the script every hour:
0 * * * * /bin/bash /path/to/your/BunnyFetch/ >> /path/to/your/BunnyFetch/firewall_update_cron.log 2>&1
The script only tested for Almalinux 8
with iptables