Based on the Debian 4.19.0-8 kernel package (Linux kernel 4.19.98), and the work from JAMESMTL:
Not tested with any other kernels
Added a module option that can be set to disable SFP TX fault detection:
To use, add a file to /etc/modprobe.d with the contents:
options bnx2x disable_sfp_tx_fault_detection=1
This driver doesn't seem to change too often. Instead of grabbing the full source and rebuilding, this will automatically rebuild the driver every time the kernel is updated.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dkms
cd /usr/src
sudo git clone bnx2x-99.1.712.30-0
sudo dkms add bnx2x/99.1.712.30-0
sudo dkms install bnx2x/99.1.712.30-0 -k $(uname -r)
Then it should rebuild every time you update your kernel.