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Joe Latessa edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 3 revisions

The Docker image with X-SCAPE preinstalled is intended for users who would like to run X-SCAPE but do not intend to develop X-SCAPE.

Note that this Docker image is currently being tested, and is therefore tagged beta.

Instructions to run X-SCAPE using a Docker image with X-SCAPE preinstalled

It is assumed that Docker is already installed on your Linux or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) system, and a Linux terminal is running.

Step 1: Pull the Docker Image

docker pull jetscape/xscape_full:beta_v0.3

Step 2: Run a Container Based on the Image

docker run -it -v ~/:/home/host --name myXscapeFull jetscape/xscape_full:beta_v0.3

The above command creates a container based on image jetscape/xscape_full:beta_v0.3. Your host system's home directory is mounted in the container at home/host. The container is given the name myXscapeFull.

The command prompt will now indicate that you are inside the container. Typing the ls command will show only the X-SCAPE folder.

Step 3: cd to X-SCAPE's Build Folder

cd X-SCAPE/build

Step 4: Run X-SCAPE

./runJetscape ../config/publications_config/arXiv_1910.05481/jetscape_user_PP_1910.05481.xml

After X-SCAPE runs, .dat files will be written to your build folder.

Step 5: Access the Mounted Host System Directory

cd /home/host

cd to the /home/host directory. You should see the files in your host system's home directory. You can copy files between this mounted directory of your host filesystem and the preinstalled X-SCAPE installation at /home/jetscape-user/X-SCAPE.

Step 6: Exit the Container


Your usual host system command prompt should return.

Step 7: Restart the Container

docker start -ai myXscapeFull

Because the container was already created on Step 2, it doesn't have to be created again. You may restart the container using the name given to it on step 2.