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Josh Sideris edited this page Aug 10, 2016 · 4 revisions

Sequencr.chain(callbacks, timeout)


Calls a chain of functions in order, separated by timeouts (defined by the timeout argument). Sequencr.chain is non-breaking, and the first callback in the callbacks array won't be executed until after the first timeout. If an onCompleted callback is required, set it as the last element of the callbacks array. Replaces the all-too-common callback hell as this:

        }, timeout, timeout)
    }, timeout, timeout)
}, 10, 10);

becomes this:

Sequencr.chain([function1, function2, function3], 10);


callbacks: An array of functions to be called one at a time. Functions may accept one parameter for the return value of the previous function.

timeout: Optional (default=1). The timeout in ms between each function call. This can be an integer, or a function that returns an integer.


Basic Usage

Sequencr.chain([function1, function2, function3], 10);

When you use the above code, the following things happen:

  1. Sequencr.chain is non-breaking, so the rest of your code will continue running as normal.
  2. After 10ms, function1 is called.
  3. After another 10ms, function2 is called.
  4. After another 10ms, function3 is called.

Piping Return Values

Functions that return a value will pass that value to the next function automatically. Each of your functions (except the first) may optionally accept the return value of the previous function as a parameter. Unfortunately, Sequencr.chain per se does not return the final value because it's asynchronous. If this is something you need, check out Sequencr.promiseChain.

    function(){return 100}, 
    function(x){return x * 2}, 
], 10);
//This will print 200 to the console.

Passing Parameters

To pass custom parameters (for instance, function2(a, b, c)), use anonymous functions.

Sequencr.chain([function1, function()
    function2(a, b, c);
}, function3], 10);

Preserving Scope

To preserve scope use JavaScript's built-in apply function. Otherwise this will refer to Sequencr itself.

Sequencr.chain.apply(this, [[function1, function2, function3], 10]);
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