"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
- Stephen King, The Gunslinger
Gunslinger is a hunting tool that is based around URLScan's Search API. Gunslinger can crawl URLScan for JavaScript files that match a set of user-defined rules and reports the information back to Slack.
Gunslinger can be deployed via the Terraform modules in the terraform
directory. If you have Terraform installed you can deploy the script by running terraform apply
while in the directory.
#Digital Ocean Variables
digitalocean_token: Used to deploy the Gunslinger server to DigitalOcean
server_pub_key: Path to the public SSH key for the server
server_priv_key: Path to the private SSH key for the server (Used to scp scripts once deployed)
server_region: DigitalOcean region to deploy the server to (default: nyc1)
#API Keys
slack_token: API Key for the Slack Bot that will be used
urlscan_api_key: API Key to connect to URLScan
#Launch Script Variables
rule_dir: Path to directory where custom rules are stored (default: "../gunslinger/rules")
num_workers: Number of gunslinger workers to spin up (default: 5)
queue_channel: Slack Channel to use as a Message Queue (default: mq)
urlscan_query: Query to use for URLScan Search API (default: *)
cron: Cron schedule for the reloader module (note: replace asterisks with underscores; default: _ _ _ _ _ (every minute))
aws_region: Region to deploy any AWS resources (default: us-east-1)
use_sqs: Whether or not to use AWS SQS for the Message Queue (default: false)
This module will reach out to URLScan's search API on a specified cron schedule, split up the results between the number of gunslinger worker, and post that info the the Message Queue.
usage: reloader.py [-h] -u URLSCAN_KEY [-s SLACK_TOKEN] [-c QUEUE_CHANNEL] [-q QUERY] [-cr CRON CRON CRON CRON CRON] [-w NUM_WORKERS] [-a SQS_URL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URLSCAN_KEY, --urlscan_key URLSCAN_KEY
URLScan API key
-s SLACK_TOKEN, --slack_token SLACK_TOKEN
Slack Token
Message Queue Channel (Default: 5)
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
URLScan query (Default: *)
Cron job for searches to run on (Default: _ _ _ _ _)
-w NUM_WORKERS, --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
Number of gunslinger works to divy tasks(Default: 5)
-a SQS_URL, --sqs_url SQS_URL
AWS SQS Url (optional)
This is the main worker module that will analyze jobs from the Reloader module and post results back to Slack. It is driven by a set of user-defined rules to perform its analysis.
usage: gunslinger.py [-h] -u URLSCAN_KEY -s SLACK_TOKEN [-c QUEUE_CHANNEL] [-d RULE_DIR] [-a SQS_URL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URLSCAN_KEY, --urlscan_key URLSCAN_KEY
URLScan API key
-s SLACK_TOKEN, --slack_token SLACK_TOKEN
Slack Token
Message Queue Channel (Default: mq)
-d RULE_DIR, --rule_dir RULE_DIR
Directory containing python plugins to be used as rules (Default: ./rules)
-a SQS_URL, --sqs_url SQS_URL
URL of AWS SQS service (optional)
Gunslinger is driven y a set of user-defined Python modules that act as rules. This way the user has free reign over how to handle information. All modules must be contained in one directory (rules
by default) and must have a function named run
that will be called when analyzing scripts. The arguments passed to this function will be a string called script
containing the script that was found by URLScan's API and a JSON object called response_data
which contains the data returned from URLScan's API (see URLScan's API documentation for more info).
This is a very basic example that will catch an older Magecart sample from e4[.]ms/c1.js. You can see that the module contains the functionrun
that accepts the arguments via kwargs
. The function will also only return True
or False
import re
def run(**kwargs):
reg1 = r'function ant_cockroach'
reg2 = r'cc_number'
reg3 = r'payment_checkout[0-9]'
script = kwargs.get('script', '')
ant_cockroach = len(re.findall(reg1, script)) > 0
cc_number = len(re.findall(reg2, script)) > 0
checkout = len(re.findall(reg3, script)) > 0
return ant_cockroach and cc_number and checkout