- AI/ML분야의 국외 Top 저널 게재 및 Top-tier 컨퍼런스 투고
- 학술대회 논문/발표 9건 (1저자: 6건, 2저자: 3건)
- 연구 개발 프로젝트 7건
- 수상 실적 4건 (학술대회 우수상 3건/ 해커톤 우수상 1건)
International Journal/Conference Papers (+2)
- Lee, J.W., Lee, S.M.*, Separable Contextual Graph Neural Networks to Identify Tailgating-Oriented Traffic Congestion. Journal of *Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA) (SCI, Q1, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124354)
- Lee, J.W., Lee, S.M.*, Kang, J.Y., Progressive Curriculum Learning with Focal Loss for Knowledge Distillation. *The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) (Top-tier conference, submitted, 2024)
Domestic Scholarly Papers/Presentations (+9)
- ML/DL Algorithms , Lightweight AI, Computer Vision, Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing
- Research Interests I: ML/DL Algorithms
- Development and Improvement of Algorithms for Anomaly Detection, Time Series Prediction, and Data Generation
- Data Prediction and Interpretation through Graph Neural Network Models
- Efficiency Improvement in Deep Neural Network Model Training through Curriculum Learning
- Research Interests II: Lightweight AI
- Exploration and Compression Techniques for Lightweight Models to Improve Model Inference Speed
- Utilization and Improvement of Knowledge Distillation Algorithms for Compression Efficiency and Accuracy
- Retraining Techniques for Model Calibration Performance Improvement
- Research Interests III: Computer Vision
- Pose Estimation and Recognition for Camera Application Services
- Representation Learning for Image Recognition and Object Detection Model
- Stain Normalization in Pathological Images and Detection of Tumor Objects
- Research Interests IV: Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing
- Machine Learning-based Optimization: Shortest Path Search, Dynamic Vehicle Routing, Facility Location Problem
- Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Vehicle Path Setting in AMHS(Automated Material Handling Systems)
- Excellent Paper Award, Fall Conference Paper Competition, Korea Data Mining Society, 2023(Nov 7)
- Excellent Paper Award, SAS Student Paper Competition, Korea Data Mining Society, 2023(Jun 23-24)
- Excellent Award, Saltlux Hackathon Competition, 2022(Jan 18)
- Excellent Award, 5G/AI-based ICT Convergence Service Idea Competition, Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS)
- (16.03 - 현재) 광운대학교 컴퓨터소프트웨어학과 재학
- (17.11 - 19.07) Operation and Management of Large-Scale Tactical Command System DB Server & Application Program, Republic of Korea Army, South Korea
- (19.09 - 19.12) C# based - 대학교 소개팅 프로그램 개발
- (20.06 - 20.09) AIschool 8기 수료
- (20.06 - 20.08) 공개 SW 개발자 대회 참가 'Hand Pose Recognition'프로그램 개발
- (20.08 )토이프로젝트 '인공지능 애완동물 품종 분류기'프로그램 개발
- (20.10 - 21.01) Google Developers 'Machine Learning Bootcamp' 1기 활동
- (20.09 - 21.06 ) 산학연계 SW 프로젝트 KNOWHOW팀 '인공지능 원가(손익/예산) 분석 및 예측 플랫폼' 개발
- (21.01) 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 5G/AI기반 ICT융합서비스 아이디어 경진대회 "Salice" /res-우수상
- (21.02) MZ 인공지능 경진대회 '의료 용어 질의응답(MediQuad) 시스템' 개발
- (21.02) 토이프로젝트 'JW chatbot'프로그램 개발
- (21.02 ) SW중심대학 공동해커톤 참가 'Photo With AI' 프로그램 개발
-(21.03 - 22.02) '인공지능 서비스 연구실' 학부 연구생
-(22.03 - 24.02) '인공지능 서비스 연구실' 인공지능 대학원 석사과정
-(24.02 - now) '인공지능 서비스 연구실' AIaaS Lab Researcher
- Languages: Python (main), R, C++, C# - Tools: Pytorch, Tensorflow, GitHub, Django, MySQL