This is Jedsek, a high school student from China, who was imprisoned by nihilism and now is looking for the meaning of life.
"All gods are dead: now we want the overman to live."
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Part 1, "Of the Old and New Law-Tables"
Fight for your dreams, kill the fears that hold you back, and then just keep pushing forward.
- Programming languages: rust, c, lisp/scheme, haskell, scala
- Package managers: nix(Nixos), guix(GuixOS), xbps(VoldLinux), pacman(Arch Linux), xbps(Void Linux)
- Games: galgame, galgame, galgame! && some 2d games(Hollow Knight, Katana ZERO...)
qq: 2948804617
email: [email protected]