Minishell is a project of the 42-core-curriculum and the goal of this project is to write a simple shell. It is about learning the usage of filedescriptors, pipes and about a deeper understanding about the bash. It uses GNU's readline library which handles the terminal presentation (history, reading, ...) The subject allows you only to use a few low-level functions (like malloc, free etc. ) and a few POSIX system calls. It was a 2 person project with @nschumac who was responsible for parsing and signal handling. I was repsonsible for the executing part and we both did some builtin commands.
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive
run make to compile the programm:
execute the programm with out arguements to show a prompt and start the shell:
or with a command as the first arguement
./minishell "cd .. && ls -la | cat | grep minishell"
- pipes with
- operators and parenthesis with
- redirections with
- expanding enviorment variables with
- expanding the last processes exit status with $?
- interpretating with
- interpretation of
for the current working directory (e.g ls *) - built in functions:
with or without-n
(e.gecho -n hello "world"
with parameters (e.gcd ../directory
(lists all environment variabels)exit
with parameters (e.gexit 42
with or without parameters (e.gexport TEST="test variable"
(e.gunset TEST
(shows current directory)false
(e.gfalse || true && ls
the project uses the submodule libft which is an earlier project of the 42 core curriculum. This libft was written by @nschumac and you can find it here: