The below links are for informative and learning purposes only.
This list is not financial advice please do your own research.
Quora.com - What is the incentive for Bitcoin miners to add transactions without fees to a block
Businessinsider.com - bitcoin price miners making killing in transaction fees
Bitcoin.stackexchange.com - Why is mining necessary for the bitcoin network system
- Build web3 games + apps with ease
- Follow scaffold.eth Tut
- Install buidler?
- Video - Yarn run watch
- Video - Tests and console.log
- GitHub - Ethereum Development with Go book
Top of my learning List:
Primarily focused on:
.Net MAUI, Blazor
Secondarily focussed on:
Go, Angular, Solidity (Scaffold.eth, Hard Hat, 1hive & Celeste)
Thirdly focussed on:
TypeScript, Rust, Kotlin, Flutter
General learning list:
Development Frameworks/Libraries:
.Net Statiq, Gatsby, Ionic
Other / General:
Svelte, ReactNative + Redux + Expo
Nest.js, Node.js, Next.js
Scala, Lua, Motoko (ICP),...JavaScript
Elrond, Polygon, Internet Computer Protocol
@austingriffith, @woonomic, @coinbureau, @maxedapps, @jeremyalpha, @wildcards_world @TheECOcoin, @Open__Earth, @proofofimpact, @my_emissions
- Creating a project - Creating a project from a template
- How to deploy your first canister using the nns dApp
- Ethereum dev speed run
- Eth.build
- Scaffold.Eth - Tutorial
- Video - Start building on Ethereum today with 🏗 scaffold-eth
- Video - 🏗 scaffold-eth speedrun
- Scaffold.Eth Simple NFT Example
- Scaffold.Eth - Buyer Mints
- Signator.io
- Nifty Ink
- Full Stack Web3 Dapp - Course for Beginners - Zapper clone
- First Dapp Starter
- NFT Gating - How to Create Exclusive NFT Gated Content for NFT Holders
- Ultimate NFT Programming Tutorial - FULL COURSE
- Build Web 3.0 AirBNB Clone Using web3uikit, React, Moralis and Solidity - Full-Stack Blockchain App
- Connect to a Database with Web3 Authentication | MongoDB, NextJS and Moralis
- How to Authenticate Users with Web3Auth - SSO
- How to Authenticate Dapp Users with MetaMask
- Moralis Database Security Tutorial - CLP, ACL, Protected Fields Explained
- Video - Ethereum Boilerplate | Fastest Way To Build A Web3 Dapp
- Building DAO Apps in 10 Minutes
- Moralis Ethereum Boilerplate GitHub
- Moralis.io - How to build Ethereum dapps in angular
- Video - Angular Tutorial
- Video - Serverless DApps
- Video - Hard Hat App Ex
- Video - Push Notifications
- What is Web3 storage
- Video - Data persistence - IPFS
- Video - Working with Queries
- Streams API
- Moralis Hard Hat Config Docs
- Video - Hard Hat Config
- Video - Hard Hat to Metamask
- Video - First Elrond app in 5 mins
- Video - Moralis Elrond Login
- Build a DAO
- Blockchain Discord Bot
- AWS Web3 API Calls - Integrate Moralis with AWS Lambda
- Intro - How to Set Up a Self-Hosted Web3 Server
- Moralis Parse Server Hosting Guide (Legacy) - Server self host
- Self Hosted Moralis Server Walkthrough | Parse-Server, Moralis & MongoDB
- Multiplatform full stack app
- Creating a location tracking app using Firebase and Google maps in Android
- Geo location tracking in android with kotlin
- Geo location Kotlin example
- Kotlin Docs - Multiplatform
- Kotlin Docs - Create-first multiplatform mobile app
- Kotlin Docs - Kotlin for server side
- Kotlin Docs - Set up a Kotlin/JS project
- Udemy Course - Web development with Kotlin
- Video - How to Build a Native App from Angular Projects with Capacitor
- Build Your First Ionic App with Firebase using AngularFire 7
- Building an Ionic App with Firebase Authentication & File Upload using AngularFire 7
- How to Build Your First Ionic 6 App with API Calls
- How to add Google Sign In using Capacitor to your Ionic App
- Video - How to Create an Ionic PWA with Web Push Notifications
- Video - The Push Notifications Guide for Ionic & Capacitor
- Capacitor push-notifications docs
- Video - push notification in ionic capacitor app
- Push Notifications using Angular and Firebase Cloud Messaging | The Blueflame Labs
- How to prepare your Ionic PWA to receive push notifications
- Building a web application with #Angular and #Firebase
- Medium.com - jishnusaha89 - Firebase Cloud messaging & push notifications with Angular
- Positronix.io - Ionic Firebase FCM Push notifications tutorial with example
- ITWonders-web.com - Push notification using Firebase demo tutorial
- TheBlueFlameLabs.com - How to use push Notifications using Angular and Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Thisdot.co - PWA Push Notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging Pt1
- Angular-University.io - Angular Push Notifications
- Section.io - F.C.M with Spring and Angular
- Angular.io - Shopping app ex with StackBlitz - Browser based IDE
- Installing React Native Firebase Core (Part 3) | Push Notifications with React Native Firebase
- The Complete React Native Course: from Zero to Hero
- developers.facebook.com
- Getting Started - Meta Webhooks
- Sample Apps - Meta Webhooks - Documentation - Meta for Developers
- Meta Webhooks - Documentation - Meta for Developers
- Webhooks - Messenger Platform - Documentation - Meta for Developers
- Confused about Validating Payloads - Developer Community Forum - Meta for Developers
- WhatsApp Business Encryption - Cloud API - Documentation - Meta for Developers
- developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2022/12/05/auth-tokens/
- Implementing Webhooks From The WhatsApp Business Platform
Installing React Native Firebase Core (Part 3) | Push Notifications with React Native Firebase
medium.com/nomic-foundation-blog - How to get started with buidler
medium.com/blockchain-developer - Learn how to create your own dapp with angular part i
blog.oliverjumpertz.dev - How to set up a solidity project and create your first smart contract
medium.com/solidify - Lesson 1 your first solidity smart contract
medium.com/dfinity - Building a front end dapp on the internet computer
Video - How To Build An Escrow Smart Contract With Ethereum & Solidity
social.msdn.microsoft.com - Programming blockchain smart contracts with C on the Neo blockchain
medium.com/coinmonks - A net developers workflow for creating and calling ethereum smart contracts
c-sharpcorner.com - Getting started with smart contracts in c sharp
koukia.ca - Deploy Ethereum smart contracts using C and Visual Studio
medium.com/compound-finance - Setting up an Ethereum development environment
medium.com/edgefund - Ethereum development on Windows part 1
auth0.com - An introduction to Ethereum and smart contracts part 3
medium.com/@saturnial - Build your first dapp in 5 minutes part ii
blog.datafund.net - Chattie or how to build a decentralised chat app in 10 minutes
medium.com/coinmonks - The freelancers smart contract dapp demo
medium.com/textileio - Build a decentralized chat app with knockout and ipfs
learntodroid.com - How to create a simple alarm clock app in Android
- dmihal.medium.com - What are burner wallet plugins
- dmihal.medium.com - Introducing the burner wallet 2
- medium.com/gitcoin - Burner wallet at ethdenver was
- xdaichain.com - Burner wallet functions
- Launching Decentralized Organizations Using Aragon at #BUIDLweek #ETHDenver
- Thealexfreeman.medium - How to create a DAO using Aragon - free
- Github.com/aragon/ - Your First Aragon app
- Help.aragon.org - creating a new DAO from template
- Aragon - Examples
- Aragon - List Votes using CLI
- Video - How to easily Deploy A Stratis Smart Contract Tutorial
- Getting Started with Stratis
- Smart Contracts in C#
- Auction Smart Contract
- https://www.amfeix.com
- https://cryptopotato.com/you-can-now-use-crypto-to-purchase-nasdaq-tokenized-stocks/
- Matrix.org
- Mattermost | Collaboration for Your Mission-Critical Work
- Helium – Introducing The People's Network
- https://1hive.org/ & https://1hive.gitbook.io/celeste/
- https://openai.com/dall-e-2/
- Ethereum Push Notification Service
- https://github.com/dexlab-io/dexpay-pos
- https://iex.ec/
- https://earthrewards.net/
- https://www.ovr.ai/
- https://wrapeth.com/
- https://www.poap.xyz/
- https://showcase.ethglobal.co/nfthack/boundless
- https://www.appharvest.com/2.0/
- https://botoapp.io/
- https://www.huddln.io/
- https://www.fractio.xyz/
- https://adapulse.io/erc20-converter-brings-ethereum-assets-to-the-cardano-ecosystem/
- https://aragon.org/
- https://proofofimpact.com/
- https://openearth.org/
- https://www.humanprotocol.org/
- https://hypersign.id/
- https://ether.cards/
- https://razor.network/
- https://burnerwallet.co/
- https://ramp.network/
- https://www.sendwyre.com/
- https://onramper.com/
- https://trustwallet.com/
- https://rarible.com/
- https://www.elliptic.co/customers/law-enforcement
- https://startupstash.com/blockchain-analysis-tools/
- https://www.hackerrank.com/
- https://www.hackerearth.com/
- https://www.topcoder.com/
- https://www.fairphone.com/en/
- https://news.bitcoin.com/carbon-credit-token-mco2-is-now-listed-on-gemini-learn-about-the-green-asset-set-to-save-the-planet/
- https://news.bitcoin.com/iexec-launches-oracle-factory-allowing-anyone-to-create-custom-oracles-in-minutes/
- https://news.bitcoin.com/ovr-land-map-the-biggest-detailed-3d-map-of-the-real-world-with-nfts/
- https://defiprime.com/defi-yield-farming
- https://blockgeeks.com/guides/what-is-hashing/
- https://medium.com/coinmonks/using-nfts-ethereum-and-aws-to-re-define-the-receivables-market-3c3a3d7e74f
- https://blog.goodaudience.com/burner-wallets-the-average-users-solution-to-purchasing-coffee-or-beer-with-crypto-c5863123ceac
- https://medium.com/mattr-global/the-state-of-identity-on-the-web-cffc392bc7ea
- https://www.microsoft.com/en-ww/security/business/identity-access-management/decentralized-identity-blockchain
- https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/identity-standards-blog/ion-booting-up-the-network/ba-p/1441552
- https://forum.cardano.org/t/one-identity-to-rule-them-all-managing-digital-identities-using-blockchain/40289
- https://medium.com/mvp-workshop/tokenizing-real-estate-what-are-the-benefits-pitfalls-and-misconceptions-of-tokenizing-assets-86d90f8ef3b
- https://www.solidblock.co/tokenize-real-estate.html
- https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-tokenize-real-estate
- https://hackernoon.com/tokenizing-real-estate-an-overview-c35835cf2249
- https://thetokenist.io/assetblock-to-tokenize-60-million-worth-of-real-estate-on-algorand/
- https://invao.org/property-tokenization-the-future-of-real-estate-investing/
- https://alphapoint.com/navigating-the-3-phases-of-real-estate-tokenization/
- https://realt.co/introducing-realt-tokenizing-real-estate-on-ethereum/
- http://blog.realestate.cornell.edu/2019/04/30/tokenizing-real-estate-creating-new-investing-and-financing-channels-through-blockchain/
- wikipedia - TTE
- fairphone - security
- grapheneos
- Qualcomm Trusted Execution Environment
- Android security maximized by Samsung KNOX
- Qualcomm-SPU-Security-Policy-V1.3
- FIPS 140-2 - Wikipedia
- Snapdragon 820 first to receive hardware security certification | Qualcomm
- Secure Processing Unit on the Qualcomm SDA845 SoC | Lantronix
- Trusty TEE | Android Open Source Project