Zenda is the all-in-one modding tool for Driver games based on the framework from DRIV3R and onwards.
The program is powered by Fireboyd78's DSCript, which is a part of Driver Tools. It may be found here: https://github.com/Fireboyd78/driver-tools
The program uses the DarkTheme style by AngryCarrot789, which can be found here: https://github.com/AngryCarrot789/WPFDarkTheme. WPFDarkTheme is licensed under MIT.
The latest version of the program may be downloaded thru the GitHub releases tab, found here: https://github.com/Jesse2431/Zenda/releases
A contribution to the project may be done by cloning the repository and making a pull request once your changes/additions are done. Please refrain from using too much additional external libraries aside from DSCript.