A Python application that can read from Sarracenia and relay the messages however you'd like. It is designed to be significantly simpler than the official client, and is meant for people who don't need all the bells and whistles. It is only tested on Linux, and does not seem to work on macOS.
To create a processor, you must define process() in your processor that accepts one argument which is a dictionary with keys of topic
, message
, and url
. topic
is the topic subscribed to, url
is the full URL of the file that is now available under the Environment Canada datamart, and filename
is the file name itself (provided for convenience). A Google Cloud relay processor is included as an example.
Clone this repository.
Install all requirements by running
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Edit config.json as necessary. Tasks is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has entries of
, andprocessor
is the filename of your processor, without the.py
. -
You can subscribe to any
s by using the . delimeter - for example to be notified of any changes under http://dd.weather.gc.ca/alerts/cap/20180725 can be tracked by using a topic value ofalerts.cap.20180725
. -
is optional. If it is defined, it is tested with each incoming message and the processor is only called if it is a match.
Run main.py!