Most aspects of the project are hand-made, including self-made code for SLAM, sensor fusion (EKF), navigation, path planning, and path tracking/controls. All these aspects were done without the use of plugins, including SLAM and navigation, to prioritize practical understanding of these areas outside of just ROS2 implementation.
Here is a very simplified rundown of what was implemented:
- 3D Lidar
- Wheel encoders
Uses an extended kalman filter to fuse wheel odometry and IMU data to create improved pose estimates. No lidar odometry has been applied (yet).
Using odometry, 3D point clouds from lidar are transformed to global points from local points. The 2D traversability map applies heuristics reliant on slopes, height differences, and surface variations/bumps to calculate cost, where each tile in the map is then filled with that cost value until the next update.
A D* lite algorithm is applied to plan and replan paths efficiently. Finds the lowest-cost path to get from the current tile on the map to the goal tile.
Pure pursuit is implemented to determine the steering angle for the rover, ensuring the path is followed with little deviance.
Plugins that were necessary:
- gz::sim::systems::Imu for simulated IMU.
- gz::sim::systems::DiffDrive for skid-steering.
- gz::sim::systems::Sensors for simulated lidar.
- gz::sim::systems::JointStatePublisher for publishing joint states.
- Everything else was implemented by hand.