A Modular Framework for Recommender Systems in the Era of LLMs
gh repo clone Jyonn/Legommenders
cd Legommenders
pip install -r requirements.txt
python process.py --data mind
python embed.py --model bertbase
python trainer.py --data config/data/mind.yaml --model config/model/naml.yaml --hidden_size 256 --lr 0.001 --batch_size 64 --item_page_size 0 --embed config/embed/glove.yaml
python trainer.py --data config/data/mind.yaml --model config/model/nrms.yaml --hidden_size 256 --lr 0.001 --batch_size 64 --item_page_size 0 --embed config/embed/glove.yaml
python trainer.py
--data config/data/mind-lm.yaml
--model config/model/bert-naml.yaml
--hidden_size 256
--lr 0.0001
--batch_size 64
--item_page_size 128 # set it as large as possible based on your GPU memory
--embed config/embed/bert.yaml # generate the yaml first, by running python embed.py --model bertbase
--use_lora 1
--lora_r 8
--lora_alpha 128
--lm bert # indicate the language model
--tune_from -2 # freeze the first N-1 layers, and tune the last layer, it is the same as --tune_from 10
python trainer.py
--data config/data/mind-lm-prompt.yaml # for more powerful language models, we suggest to use the data concatenated with natural prompts
--model config/model/llama-naml.yaml
--hidden_size 256
--lr 0.0001
--batch_size 64
--item_page_size 64
--embed config/embed/llama.yaml # generate the yaml first, by running python embed.py --model llama1
--use_lora 1
--lora_r 32
--lora_alpha 128
--lm llama1
--tune_from -2 # freeze the first N-1 layers, and tune the last layer, it is the same as --tune_from 30
More documentations will be available soon.
- 2025-02-18: Legommenders v2.0, with multiple LLMs support, simplified configuration, more CTR predictors, and recbench-based datasets is released!
- 2025-01-06: Legommenders v2.0 beta is released!
- 2024-12-05: LSTUR model is now re-added to the Legommenders package, which was not compatible from Jan. 2024.
- 2024-01-23: Legommenders partially supports the flatten sequential recommendation model. New models are added, including: MaskNet, GDCN, etc.
- 2023-10-16: We clean the code and convert names of the item-side parameters.
- 2023-10-05: The first recommender system package, Legommenders, with a modular-design is released!
- 2022-10-22: Legommenders project is initiated.
Legommenders have served as a fundamental framework for several research projects, including ONCE, SPAR,GreenRec, and UIST. If you find Legommenders useful in your research, please consider citing our project:
title={Legommenders: A Comprehensive Content-Based Recommendation Library with LLM Support},
author={Liu, Qijiong and Fan, Lu and Wu, Xiao-Ming},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2025},
month = {may},
year = {2025},
address = {Australia, Sydney},
We would like to thank Jieming Zhu and his FuxiCTR project for providing multiple useful CTR predictors.
We would like to thank transformers for providing the pre-trained language models.
We would like to thank UniTok V4 for providing the unified data tokenization service.
We would like to thank RecBench for providing unified recommendation dataset preprocessing framework.
We would like to thank Oba, RefConfig, and SmartDict for providing useful tools for our project.