Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Fixes missing timeline semaphore checks
- Fixes sparse snorm tests
- Fixes timeline sempahore queue flags
- Fix renderdoc library name on android
- Fixes descriptor indexing tests
- Fix incorrect buffer type in some protected memory tests
- Fix support check for sparse input attachment test
- Fixes capability checks in subgroup tests
- Splits protected memory test shaders
- Fix for dEQP-VK.subgroups.*_requiredsubgroupsize
- Stop 10bit formats requiring GL_SRGB encoding
- Relaxes tolerance for arithmetic subgroup tests
- Add calls to touchWatchdog()
- Enable unused AllocationCallbackRecorder
- Fix multiview dependency access mask for depth stencil attachments
- Always dynamically lookup egl functions
- Add missing writes to PointSize in subgroups tests
- Add missing barriers from device to host read access
- Fixes advanced blending tests support check
- Add missing writes to PointSize in subgroups tests
- Fixes timeline semaphore test queues
- Fix maxMipMap calculation for images
- Fix image layouts in graphics spirv_assembly tests
- Fix descriptorCount for dEQP-VK.ycbcr.conversion
- Use float16 precision for testing mediump
- Clear unused image aspects in buffer to depth/stencil copy tests
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload
- Add missing barrier before host access in draw tests
- Allow Bresenham for single sample nonstrict lines
- Allow not flusing denorms in operands
- Fix BindImageMemoryInfo in *render.device_group2
- Stop 10bit formats requiring GL_SRGB encoding
- Do not use 2D array d/s attachment created from 3D texture
- Fix overflow in VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control tests.
- Fixes clipping tests supported check
- Allow RTZ rounding in spv_assemblywrites_two_buffers tests
- Force Popen to text mode
- Ensure alphabetical order of xml attributes
- Fix Fedora 32 gcc/clang warnings
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload