Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Add tests for floating-point atomic operations
- More extended dynamic state variants
- Add tests for VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive extension
- Add tests for VK_EXT_global_priority
- Test imported signaled sync fd
- Test mipmaps with linear tiling
- Enable random descriptor writes for storage buffers
- 1D and 3D image copy and blitting tests
- Add timeline semaphore polling tests
- Test 3D image blit with differing depth
- Test pipeline layout lifetime after ending cmd buffer
- Add export/import drm modifier test
- Test frag shader side effects are not removed by optimizations
- Test texelfetch on uniform texel buffer with packed format
- Test transitions between command buffer states
- Test atomic operations with VK_KHR_buffer_device_address
- Tests for global atomic operations
- Add atomic operation tests for multisample storage images
- Add core feature bit checks for Vulkan 1.1
- Add test for writing to an SSBO array
- Add ModfStruct and FrexpStruct to GLSL precision tests
- Add tests for SNORM clamping
- Add tests for VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod
- Test vkQueueBindSparse with timeline semaphores
- Test vertex buffer accesses with stride zero
- Test maximum compute work group sizes
- Add modfStruct comparison tests
- Test isinf() and isnan() with 64-bit floats
- Test secondary command buffer with no framebuffer
- VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state tests
- Fix incorrect buffer type in some protected memory tests
- Fix Image layout transitions for diff_attachments_*
- Fix creation of signaled fences in swapchain tests
- Disable interval watchdog during long shader compiles
- Fix firstInstance for vkCmdDraw call
- Try alternative DS formats in extended dynamic state tests
- Revert workaround for SNORM linear filtering
- Check per-sample copy results in multisample copy tests
- Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz tests
- Convert GraphicsFuzz vkscript to AmberScript
- Restore dual source blending tests
- Fix shaderCullDistance limit checks
- Disable a test that access uninitialized variable
- Support for VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan1{1,2}Properties in framework
- Let requireDeviceFunctionality support Android AHB extension
- Allow Bresenham for single-sample non-strict lines
- Prevent leaking extra fences
- Ensure swizzle identities work with their equivalent mappings
- Fix VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax feature checks
- Add missing mandatory features
- Remove handwritten array from the driver properties test
- Fix framework device properties generated code
- Robustness2 features are enabled by default
- Move texture parameter checking to checkSupport()
- Separate types and cases in random descriptor set tests
- Fix maxMipMap calculation for images
- Add storageBuffer16BitAccess to mandatory features
- Ignore helper pixel invocations with atomic operations tests
- Fix renderdoc library name on android
- Fixes descriptor indexing tests
- Set dEQP process to be high-dpi aware on Windows
- Fix regression in diff_attachments test
- Fixes missing timeline semaphore checks
- Fixes sparse snorm tests
- Fixes timeline sempahore queue flags