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vulkan-cts- Vulkan CTS

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@lordalcol lordalcol released this 03 Dec 21:51
· 387 commits to main since this release
 * Fix clearing image with wrong subresource range
 * Add depth clamp range to pipeline construction util
 * Add missing pipeline barrier after dispatch in push descriptor tests
 * Set missing blend equation in extended_dynamic_state tests
 * Avoid comparing garbage memory in descriptor buffer capture-replay tests
 * Set missing depth clamp range in extended dynamic state tests
 * Add missing pipeline barrier after dispatch in cooperative matrix tests
 * Add missing pipeline barrier after dispatch in robustness tests
 * Add check result for SetForeground.
 * Add missing pipeline barrier after dispatch in descriptor limits tests
 * Fix sparse tests to handle planar DS aspects
 * Use exactly representable numbers for atomic 16f
 * Reduce iteration count in surface/swapchain maintenance1 tests again
 * Check timestampComputeAndGraphics
 * Add missing pipeline barrier after dispatch in zero_initialize_workgroup_memory tests
 * Add missing barrier in swapchain maintenance tests
 * Add missing pipeline barrier after dispatch in expect/assume tests
 * Check R64 format qualifier for storage images in robustness tests.
 * Fix the scratch size in acceleration structures update tests
 * Enable missing extension in swapchain simulate oom tests
 * Increase tolerance for chroma channel results
 * Fix dstStageMask in sync none_set_reset tests
 * Fixing the VkRayTracingShaderGroupTypeKHR in ray query tests
 * Fix VK_ANDROID_external_format_resolve input_attachment cases
 * Fix wrong bufferMemoryBarrierCount in pipeline barrier for some buffer_view tests
 * Fix synchronization issue in OpacityMicromapTests
 * Fix checking mesh shader support in shader object tests

 * Update Vulkan 1.4 headers to the latest version