Releases: KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS
Releases · KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS
First release of OpenGL CTS
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Fix several issues in swapchain tests
- Allow false positive hits from build-in AABBs intersector
- Fixes ycbcr copy tests using NaNs
- Revert "Remove too long tests"
- Fix inconsistent ray payloads in RT barrier tests
- Fixes image sparse tests
- Fix crash issue when AHB extension is not supported
- Fixes sparse image padding tests
- Fixes for robust buffer with variable pointer tests
- Fixes fragment density map tests
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Add new tests for VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2
- Vulkan CTS coverage for VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
- Tests for VK_EXT_color_write_enable
- Tests for VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
- Add VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor tests
- Remove too long tests
- Add missing memory barrier between device transfer write and host read
- Move the hit counting from any hit to closest hit shader stage
- Use actual pipeline recursion depth when computing stack size
- Reduce the number of RayQueryExt objects allocated in shader
- Android: test list change dEQP-VK.glsl.builtin.*
- Drop unnecessary barrier
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Enable shadow filtering tests for non-filterable formats
- Add BGR and BGRA formats to image view tests
- Add tests for standard multisample positions
- Push constant overwrite tests
- Test large command buffers with many draw commands
- Test barycentric coordinates in ray tracing hits
- Ray query hitT direction length tests
- Verify submit with wait on timeline semaphore with 0 value
- Test timeline semaphore with two threads
- Including testing zw components with fragcoord_msaa tests
- Ray tracing hitT direction length tests
- Pipeline bind point tests
- Add tests for sparseImageFloat32Atomics
- Add concurrent transform feedback streams query tests
- Add tests for implicit unmap on free
- Test variable pointers on dynamic descriptors
- Tests for image OpImageWrite on mismatched vector sizes
- Mix dynamic state with compute and transfer
- Test not writing to the Position built-in
- Add coverage for depth bias
- Test FragCoord with per-sample input variable
- Add new samplerless descriptor tests
- Add tests for multisample texture size
- VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate pixel consistency
- Test descriptor set layout binding ordering
- Add descriptor update stress test
- Coverage tests for undefined values
- Test attributes beyond static vertex stride
- Additional conditional rendering tests
- Expand tests for image queries of null descriptors
- Add FrexpStruct comparison tests
- Test negative depthBiasClamp values
- Add minimum nonUniform tests to descriptor indexing texts
- Add striped 3D blitting tests
- Add tests for logical operations
- Test invalid Lods in the textureSize tests
- Tests for multiple clears within render pass
- Enable nullDescriptor for AS ray query tests
- Test dynamic indexing of AS
- Test dynamic indexing of ray queries
- Test procedural geometry with complex BB sets
- Basic tests for VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization
- Add test for image copy special case
- Add drawing tests for Android hardware buffer based color buffer
- Test data spilling and unspilling around RT shader calls
- Add new tests that verify IgnoreIntersection/TerminateRay corner cases.
- Test maxPipelineRayRecursionDepth can be zero
- Enable YCbCr filtering tests for non-separable chroma
- Vulkan Portability support
- Test terminateInvocation with frag shader side effects
- Enable random writes for storage texel buffers
- Test reading primitive id from frag shader after tessellation
- Add VK_EXT_headless_surface surface tests
- Allow more conservative coverage for degenerate triangles
- Change format used in pipeline cache control tests
- Include sys/system_properties.h in teglAndroidUtil.cpp
- Add missing mandatory features
- Ensure WSI colorspace has no effect on image contents
- Fix recursion depth requirement in complexcontrolflow
- Remove multiview requirement in extended dyn state tests
- Check image extent support in watertightness tests
- Read deserealization size from stream
- Fix flush/invalidate in mismatched_write_op tests
- Fix sync validation for mismatched_write_op tests
- Check if image sample count supported by VkSampleCountFlags
- Always accumulate errors in desc set random tests
- Fix build indirect structure tests
- Fix reordering vertices in geometry shader in ray_query AS test
- Fix source blit image size
- Fix wrong semaphore type being queried
- Fix fragment shading rate validation errors
- Fix missing check for supported device features
- Allow OOM for maxImageExtent swapchain cases
- Decrease required subgroup size
- Add needed extension and feature checks in mismatched_write_op test
- Fix decoration_group tests
- Adds local multi device present mode support check
- Remove dubious const-casting in mismatched_write_ops tests
- Fix compute binding storage buffer alignment
- Silence validation layers warning on missing sType
- Fix image format in memory model tests
- Ensure there is a committed ray intersection before calling rayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdEXT(..., true)
- Fix memory scope in OpControlBarrier tests
- Fix validation in mismatched format tests
- Check sparse image format support before creation
- Add VariablePointerFeatures requirement for amber test requiring it
- Avoid querying YCbCr combined sampler count in RGBA
- Check unsupported formats with sparse AMD bias/lod
- Fix a Graphicsfuzz coverage test not to depend on an undefined value
- Fix checks for conditional rendering support
- Check for VK_KHR_portability_subset extension before checking it's features
- Fix sync problems in conditional_rendering.draw_clear tests
- Don't access arrays out-of-bounds in robustness2 tests
- Clarify depth/stencil resolve write access sync
- Fix Renderpass storeOp synchronization hazards
- Fix back-to-back transfer command synchronization hazards
- Simplify code for subgroup builtin mask tests
- Fix end of Renderpass synchronization hazards
- Fix additional RenderPass loadOp/stencilLoadOp sync hazards.
- Fix RenderPass stencilLoadOp synchronization hazards.
- Fix RenderPass loadOp synchronization hazards.
- Select SPIR-V for the robustness' compute shaders
- Fix buffer offsets in push descriptor tests
- Destroy deferred ops before destroying devices
- Shorten the ray so that it can't hit other cells
- Only use AABBs for the shader record tests
- Simplify geometry to reduce AABB precision issues
- Fix test using protected features without creating a device with them enabled
- Use linear tiling with external_memory_host tests
- Remove the tests with too large device AS build workload
- Fix robust buffer access result checking for partially out of bound cases
- Fix required features checks in shaderRecordExplicitScalarOffset_6 test case
- Allow false positive hits from build-in AABBs intersector
- Fix insufficient BLAS indirect buffer size
- Fix test does not return failure status
- Fixes transform feedback query tests
- Fixes Fragment Shading Rate layered tests
- Enable validation for all custom devices
- Add a waiver for depth bias on some Broadcom GPUs
- Add a list of unused shaders into log
- Change gradient generator for pipeline image tests
- Add command line option for filtering by runner
- Update AccessInstance::verifyResult() to support 64-bit types
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Tests for VK_KHR_synchronization2
- Tests for VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout
- Tests for VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory
- Tests for VK_EXT_4444_formats
- Do not use image index and semaphore when vkAcquireNextImageKHR fails
- Allow failure of creating swapchain with application controlled full-screen exclusive mode
- Workaround for entrypoints tests requiring vendor entrypoints while checking KHR extension
- Fix extended dynamic state to not access out of bounds memory
- Fix out of memory error on 32bit driver builds
- Fix for primitiveOffset calculation
- Fix memory scope in OpControlBarrier tests
- Allow geometry shader to reorder vertices in dEQP-VK.ray_query.acceleration_structures test
- Fix size calculation for compressed 3D textures
- Set correct access flags for buffer copy synchronization.
- Fix inconsistent primitive count issue
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate tests
- Fixed dEQP-VK.wsi..full_screen_exclusive. tests
- Move image to optimal layout before using it in renderpass in synchronization tests
- Fix indexing of SBT entries in dEQP-VK.ray_tracing_pipeline.shader_binding_table test
- Fix heap read out of bounds in RenderPass tests.
- Allow geometry shader to reorder vertices in dEQP-VK.ray_query.ray_flags.geometry_shader.* test
- Avoid advertising disabled robustness2 features
- Fix slow run time of OpPhi wide test
New tests:
- Tests for GLES3 number parsing
- Add tests for GLES3 vector construction from other types
- Added test for reusing query handle
- Add tests for usage of pixel storage modes
- pipeline statistics test: Fix compute shader setup in !GL4.3 case.
- First steps towards running ES3.1 functional tests on GL4.5 drivers
- Fix image cube array tests support checks
- Use shader to calculate sample point
- Reset texture data to 0 after each 16 iterations to avoid overflow
- ANGLE waiver for GLES XFB array element capture
- Modify/add GLES XFB tests without element capture
- Lower precision required for texture-lookups
- Add formats support in nearest_edge tests
- gles2: Add temporary constant-data shader indexing tests.
- Fix pixel pack/unpack in nearest edge tests
- fix 1d depth component 16 sizing in layout locations tests.
- Fix more expected errors for some DSA functions
- glspirv: don't cause aborted test runs.
- Fix pipeline statistics test
- use correct delete function for arrays
- Fix PixelStorageModesTests
- Fix broken layout binding tests
- Force Popen to text mode
- Fix epsilon calculation for RGB10_A2 pixel format
- Disable dithering in nearest edge test cases
- Return a valid format when GL_RGB8 is not treated as GL_RGBA8
- Switch the branch to the master mustpass
- Unicode and Python3 fixes for verification scripts
- Check for astc_sliced_3d extension in negative API tests
New tests:
- Add texture specification test for GL_OES_texture_half_float.
- oglcts-runner: Include cstdlib in glcTestRunnerMain
- Use shader to calculate sample point
- Reset texture data to 0 after each 16 iterations to avoid overflow
- framework: fix deinitSession when using waiver xml
- ANGLE waiver for GLES XFB array element capture
- Modify/add GLES XFB tests without element capture
- Waiver for wide-line attribute interpolation
- Add support for waiver mechanism to cts-runner
- Fix broken layout binding tests
- Add formats support in nearest_edge tests
- Offset tris from fragments for triangle tests
- Fix pixel pack/unpack in nearest edge tests
- OpenGL ES: Use shader storage alignment
- Fix use of invalid HALF_FLOAT enum
- Fix invalid combinations for texture/copy on ES2 driver
- Use unsized internal format in KHR-GLES2.texture_3d.[copy_sub_image|framebuffer_texture].rgba8
- Fix invalid parameter for GLES 2.0
- Fix invalid combinations for texture/copy on ES2 driver
- Migrate deRoundUp32 to deInt32.h
- Add waiver info to log sessionInfo
- Waiver mechanism
- gl4cComputeShaderTests: correct conversion
- Fix expected errors for some DSA functions
- Test nearest sampling edge cases for OpenGL(ES)
- Cast to deUintptr instead
- Cast pointer to uintptr_t instead of long
- OpenGL ES CTS fixes for passing on WGL
- add a check about "astc_hdr"
- Fix interface mismatch in case "spirv_validation_capabilities_test"
- Make sure readpixels work with 16bit fixed point surfaces
- Fix tests to work with pre-GL4 drivers
- Fix type casts in CheckMax
- OpenGL ES: Use shader storage alignment
- Migrate deRoundUp32 to deInt32.h
- Fix compiler warning
- Generate a non-zero exit code on test failure
- Correct link dependency for glc subgroups library
- Fix geometry shader limits regarding available image units
- Remove tests that check non-zero values for reservedMustBeZero on all APIs
- Replace imageAtomicExchange with imageAtomicCompSwap in vertex shader
- Fix use of invalid HALF_FLOAT enum
- Remove tests that check non-zero values for reservedMustBeZero after GL 4.2
- Don't check color outcome for tests that expect undefined behaviour
- GL43: Use zero for DrawArraysIndirectCommand reserved field
- Fix random bool generation in GL subgroup tests
- Use unsized internal format in KHR-GLES2.texture_3d.[copy_sub_image|framebuffer_texture].rgba8
- Use GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_OES when testing textures 3D
- Fix texture_size_promotion failures with OpenGL 3.1
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Add tests for VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64
- Add sliced 3D compressed texture test
- Add tests for YCbCr chromaFilter linear filtering
- Add tests for KHR_copy_commands2
- Add tests for incompatible resolve attachments
- Add tests verifying shader record blocks work as expected.
- Add tests for VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation
- Test vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT with size and offset
- Test SPIR-V switch case jumping to the merge block
- Add tests for VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline
- Add tests for VK_KHR_ray_query
- Add tests for VK_KHR_acceleration_structure
- Add tests for VK_KHR_pipeline_library
- Add tests for VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations
- Add tests for empty structs in UBOs and SSBOs
- Add tests for the VK_EXT_device_memory_report
- Enable random writes for storage images
- Add tests for oob access in unexecuted shader paths
- Add subpass self dependency test with a single attachment
- Re-enable cube.*.mag_filter.linear test
- Test invalid pInheritanceInfo for primary command buffers
- Add array of images copy tests
- Test extended dynamic state vertex data offsets
- Add push constant lifetime tests
- Add tests for clamping of depth values
- Implement custom border color tests
- Add cube compat. to array image copy tests
- Tests for pipeline layout early destroy
- Experimental crash postmortem use-after-free test
- vulkan: Add temporary constant-data shader indexing tests.
- Add transform feedback test with NULL offset array
- Add coverage for uniform texel buffer SNORM formats
- Test OpVectorShuffle with index -1
- Test imported signaled sync fd for VkSemaphore
- Enable random writes for dynamic storage buffers
- Restore cubic filtering tests
- Add tests for Read/Write ops on mismatched formats
- Add tests for shader reuse with differing layout
- Experimental crash postmortem shader timeout test
- Tests for sign handling in integer operations
- Check output depth in inverted depth range tests
- Add coverage for negative float to clear color values
- Fixes texture filter cubic mipmap tests
- Fix descriptorCount for YCbCr-related tests
- Fixes for image format properties tests
- Fixes sparse resource SNORM tests
- Fix depth/stencil image logging in renderpass tests
- Fix initial layout of depth stencil attachment
- Fix tests dEQP-VK.draw.depth_clamp
- Fix results-check for floating-point intermediate atomic operations
- Avoid advertising disabled robustness2 features
- Fix regressions in renderpass tests
- Fix multisample resolve compatibility tests
- Create debug report recorder earlier
- Permit not flushing operands for FP16 DenormFlushToZero add, dot, vmulm
- Check images can use external host memory before creating them
- Check large instanceCustomIndex values
- Fix alpha to one tests
- Fix validation of DRM modifier compatibility with image properties
- Fix depth/stencil resolve compatibility tests
- Fix command buffer usage flags in dEQP-VK.query_pool.performance_query tests
- Fix validation errors in AHB tests
- Splits long shader in memory model tests
- Replace incorrect undefined->transfer-dst-opt layout transfers
- Fixes cubic filter copy and blt tests
- Fix wrong access flag for depth/stencil resolve
- Fix wsi tests using disallowed image usage
- Output depth image in case of failure
- Check SparseResidency flag before OpImageSparseRead
- Fix validation of DRM modifier compatibility with image properties
- Fix result checking of output location tests
- Issues detected by synchronization validation layer fix
- Fix memory barriers in image_subresrouce tests
- Bump fence timeout in Amber test cases to infinity
- Misc test group exceeds maxMemoryAllocationCount
- Make pipeline destruction exception aware in subgroups tests
- Check support for sampleRateShading
- Move texel_offset into it's own test group
- Remove cov-fold-div-variable-by-zero
- Remove cov-fold-div-uniform-by-zero
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Fix result checking of output location tests
- Fixes multisample resolve sRGB cases
- Fix validation errors in subgroups tests
- Coverage not correct for pixels on shared edges
- Add Imagination waiver #229