Releases: KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS
Releases · KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Fixes missing timeline semaphore checks
- Fixes sparse snorm tests
- Fixes timeline sempahore queue flags
- Fix renderdoc library name on android
- Fixes descriptor indexing tests
- Fix shaderCullDistance limit checks
- Fix incorrect buffer type in some protected memory tests
- Fix firstInstance for vkCmdDraw call
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Fixes missing timeline semaphore checks
- Fixes sparse snorm tests
- Fixes timeline sempahore queue flags
- Fix renderdoc library name on android
- Fixes descriptor indexing tests
- Fix incorrect buffer type in some protected memory tests
- Fix support check for sparse input attachment test
- Fixes capability checks in subgroup tests
- Splits protected memory test shaders
- Fix for dEQP-VK.subgroups.*_requiredsubgroupsize
- Stop 10bit formats requiring GL_SRGB encoding
- Relaxes tolerance for arithmetic subgroup tests
- Add calls to touchWatchdog()
- Enable unused AllocationCallbackRecorder
- Fix multiview dependency access mask for depth stencil attachments
- Always dynamically lookup egl functions
- Add missing writes to PointSize in subgroups tests
- Add missing barriers from device to host read access
- Fixes advanced blending tests support check
- Add missing writes to PointSize in subgroups tests
- Fixes timeline semaphore test queues
- Fix maxMipMap calculation for images
- Fix image layouts in graphics spirv_assembly tests
- Fix descriptorCount for dEQP-VK.ycbcr.conversion
- Use float16 precision for testing mediump
- Clear unused image aspects in buffer to depth/stencil copy tests
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload
- Add missing barrier before host access in draw tests
- Allow Bresenham for single sample nonstrict lines
- Allow not flusing denorms in operands
- Fix BindImageMemoryInfo in *render.device_group2
- Stop 10bit formats requiring GL_SRGB encoding
- Do not use 2D array d/s attachment created from 3D texture
- Fix overflow in VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control tests.
- Fixes clipping tests supported check
- Allow RTZ rounding in spv_assemblywrites_two_buffers tests
- Force Popen to text mode
- Ensure alphabetical order of xml attributes
- Fix Fedora 32 gcc/clang warnings
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Fixes missing timeline semaphore checks
- Fixes sparse snorm tests
- Fixes timeline sempahore queue flags
- Fix renderdoc library name on android
- Fixes descriptor indexing tests
- Fix incorrect buffer type in some protected memory tests
- Fix support check for sparse input attachment test
- Fixes capability checks in subgroup tests
- Splits protected memory test shaders
- Stop 10bit formats requiring GL_SRGB encoding
- Add calls to touchWatchdog()
- Enable unused AllocationCallbackRecorder
- Fix multiview dependency access mask for depth stencil attachments
- Always dynamically lookup egl functions
- Add missing writes to PointSize in subgroups tests
- Add missing barriers from device to host read access
- Fixes advanced blending tests support check
- Fixes timeline semaphore test queues
- Fix image layouts in graphics spirv_assembly tests
- Fix maxMipMap calculation for images
- Use float16 precision for testing mediump
- Clear unused image aspects in buffer to depth/stencil copy tests
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload
- Add missing barrier before host access in draw tests
- Allow not flusing denorms in operands
- Stop 10bit formats requiring GL_SRGB encoding
- Do not use 2D array d/s attachment created from 3D texture
- Fixes clipping tests supported check
- Force Popen to text mode
- Ensure alphabetical order of xml attributes
- Fix Fedora 32 gcc/clang warnings
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload
- Add missing barrier to HOST in memory_barrier test
- Fix wide line rasterization tests
- Ensure alphabetical order of xml attributes
- Avoid exceeding maxPerStageResources in descriptor_indexing tests
- Adds geometry shader check for test
- Remove event tests which use illegal behaviour
- Fixes FDM subsampled tests
- Prevent odd width single plane 422 images in dEQP-VK.ycbcr.query.*
- Add memory barrier to fragment shader interlock tests.
- Fix framework for R64 int images test
- Add missing extensions VK_GOOGLE
- Remove event tests which use illegal behaviour
- Update SPIR-V Tools, Headers
- Fix invalid SPIR-V in GraphicsFuzz tests
- remove opconstantnull physical storage pointer tests
- Half-float texture interpolation tolerance is too small.
- Use vkBindImageMemory2 to bind disjoint images
- Fixes 16bit storage check in spirv_assembly tests
- More vertex-invocation fixes for synchronisation tests
- Allow not flusing denorms in operands
- move robust_buffer_access_behavior tests to NoContext group
- Fix some egl robustness tests
- Update KC CTS
- Fix broken layout binding tests
- Fix more expected errors for some DSA functions
- glspirv: don't cause aborted test runs.
- Fix pipeline statistics test
- use correct delete function for arrays
- Fix epsilon calculation for RGB10_A2 pixel format
- Fixes pixelformat utils for RGB10_A2
- Add specific RGB10A2 data for BlendHSLHue and BlendHSLSaturation
- Explicitly use -A Win32 platform in CMake Visual Studio 2019 builds
- Add support for building with Visual Studio 2019
- Handle gcc 7 warnings
- Fix GCC 7 implicit fallthrough warnings
- Add glu::BufferOffsetAsPointer utility
- Fix expected errors for some DSA functions
- Use maximum conformant sample count configuration
- Fix build when .git is a gitlink file
- gl4cComputeShaderTests: correct conversion
- x11_egl: use correct cmake variable name for GLES1 include path
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: use separable programs
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: no structs as VS inputs
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: remove dead code
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: fix interstage interfaces
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: use centroid and sample
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind double types
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: use component 0 for mat
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: mind aliasing bit width
- Fix context creation in robust_buffer_access_behavior test
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: fix arrays in {G,TC,TE}S
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: no static use of inputs
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: add missing out varyings
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: correct usage of "flat"
- GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts: no def in untested stage
- Create context with CONTEXT_ROBUST for robust buffer access tests
- Fix deleting texture in DSA test
- Fix GL errors expected for glClearNamedBufferData and glClearNamedBufferSubData
- Terminate EGL display after use
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Add tests for floating-point atomic operations
- More extended dynamic state variants
- Add tests for VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive extension
- Add tests for VK_EXT_global_priority
- Test imported signaled sync fd
- Test mipmaps with linear tiling
- Enable random descriptor writes for storage buffers
- 1D and 3D image copy and blitting tests
- Add timeline semaphore polling tests
- Test 3D image blit with differing depth
- Test pipeline layout lifetime after ending cmd buffer
- Add export/import drm modifier test
- Test frag shader side effects are not removed by optimizations
- Test texelfetch on uniform texel buffer with packed format
- Test transitions between command buffer states
- Test atomic operations with VK_KHR_buffer_device_address
- Tests for global atomic operations
- Add atomic operation tests for multisample storage images
- Add core feature bit checks for Vulkan 1.1
- Add test for writing to an SSBO array
- Add ModfStruct and FrexpStruct to GLSL precision tests
- Add tests for SNORM clamping
- Add tests for VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod
- Test vkQueueBindSparse with timeline semaphores
- Test vertex buffer accesses with stride zero
- Test maximum compute work group sizes
- Add modfStruct comparison tests
- Test isinf() and isnan() with 64-bit floats
- Test secondary command buffer with no framebuffer
- VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state tests
- Fix incorrect buffer type in some protected memory tests
- Fix Image layout transitions for diff_attachments_*
- Fix creation of signaled fences in swapchain tests
- Disable interval watchdog during long shader compiles
- Fix firstInstance for vkCmdDraw call
- Try alternative DS formats in extended dynamic state tests
- Revert workaround for SNORM linear filtering
- Check per-sample copy results in multisample copy tests
- Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz tests
- Convert GraphicsFuzz vkscript to AmberScript
- Restore dual source blending tests
- Fix shaderCullDistance limit checks
- Disable a test that access uninitialized variable
- Support for VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan1{1,2}Properties in framework
- Let requireDeviceFunctionality support Android AHB extension
- Allow Bresenham for single-sample non-strict lines
- Prevent leaking extra fences
- Ensure swizzle identities work with their equivalent mappings
- Fix VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax feature checks
- Add missing mandatory features
- Remove handwritten array from the driver properties test
- Fix framework device properties generated code
- Robustness2 features are enabled by default
- Move texture parameter checking to checkSupport()
- Separate types and cases in random descriptor set tests
- Fix maxMipMap calculation for images
- Add storageBuffer16BitAccess to mandatory features
- Ignore helper pixel invocations with atomic operations tests
- Fix renderdoc library name on android
- Fixes descriptor indexing tests
- Set dEQP process to be high-dpi aware on Windows
- Fix regression in diff_attachments test
- Fixes missing timeline semaphore checks
- Fixes sparse snorm tests
- Fixes timeline sempahore queue flags
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- VK_EXT_image_robustness tests
- VK_EXT_robustness2 tests
- Fixes capability checks in subgroup tests
- Splits protected memory test shaders
- Fix for dEQP-VK.subgroups.*_requiredsubgroupsize
- Relaxes tolerance for arithmetic subgroup tests
- Fix support check for sparse input attachment test
- Don't crash when there are zero displays
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Add tests for VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2
- Add tests for VK_EXT_private_data
- Avoid need for shaderOutputViewportIndex
- Enable unused AllocationCallbackRecorder
- Robustness2 features are enabled by default
- Move texture parameter checking to checkSupport()
- Fix minor VU issue with VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state
- Fix multiview dependency access mask for depth stencil attachments
- Add missing barriers from device to host read access
- Linux WSI checks the WS availability on create
- Add calls to touchWatchdog()
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Test multiple fragment output locations
- Try spec constants with more sizes and packing
- Add tests for VK_EXT_filter_cubic
- Add SampleMask write tests
- Add drm format modifiers tests
- Test using ViewportIndex from frag shaders only
- Test OpArrayLength with stride larger than element size
- Add an Amber test which uses textureOffset()
- Test negative value conversion to b10g11r11 float format.
- Extend Android Hardware Buffer external memory format tests
- Test variableMultisampleRate with non-empty framebuffer
- Test mixed sample count in empty subpass and framebuffer
- Add fp16 float control tests without 16bit_storage requirement
- Test interpolation functions with single components
- Add tests for VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax
- Test OpCompositeInsert with OpUndef
- Test strided stores in SSBOs
- Add a batch of GraphicsFuzz tests
- Check vkGetInstanceProcAddr works with NULL instance
- Add VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod tests
- Enable MSAAx16 non-stict wide lines rasterization tests
- Test nearest sampling edge cases
- Test large indirect draw count and small parameter
- Added tests for line continuity
- Add test api.tooling_info.validate_instance_layers
- Test execution modes set only in Tess Control Shader
- Add tests for VK_EXT_tooling_info
- Add test case for negative int div and
- Test ViewportIndex SPIR-V builtin in frag shaders
- Add tests covering variableMultisampleRate
- Test Stream, XfbBuffer and XfbStride decorations on structs
- Test exact sampling with linear filtering over a solid color
- Add dual-source blending tests
- Add tests for scissor constraint
- Add tests for VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter
- Test not/xor SPIR-V operation sequence
- Test filtering of YCbCr formats
- Test winding order of primitive topologies
- Test multiple sets with dynamic offsets
- VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state tests
- Update Android API levels and grant permissions
- Adjust framework to removal of non-API enums
- Waiver mechanism
- Remove TODO, FIXME that were left behind
- Framework definitions for VK_KHR_ray_tracing
- Fix VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryBudgetPropertiesEXT
- Fix compilation on clang 11
- Fix Fedora 32 gcc/clang warnings
- Fix warnings found by compiling with MS VC++ 2019
- Fix BindImageMemoryInfo in *render.device_group2
- Correct few pipeline_barrier tests
- Do not use 2D array d/s attachment created from 3D texture
- Fix overflow in VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control tests.
- Add conformance tests for new buffer offset rules
- Remove non-compute variants of common function tests
- Fixes clipping tests supported check
- Allow RTZ rounding in spv_assemblywrites_two_buffers tests
- Allow Bresenham for single sample nonstrict lines
- Split spirv_assembly tests workload
- Add --deqp-print-validation-errors cmd line option
- Correct few tests from indirect_dispatch group
- Correct sparse_image_format_properties2 tests
- Clarify integer formats conversions in blit_image tests
- Correct external_memory_host tests
- Correct opatomic_storage_buffer_volatile tests
- fix input dependency for renderpass depth/stencil format tests
- Split subgroupBroadcast tests
- Make ImageSamplingInstance loop over pNexts
- Fix of a build failure on QNX
- Replace LAST with MAX_ENUM in mapBorderColor
- Make checkSupportImageSamplingInstance loop through pNexts
- Fix verification in multisample image store tests
- Use mandatory formats in stencil export tests
- Correct Flush(/Invalidate)MappedMemoryRange
- Fix validation problems with renderpass tests
- Clean ExternalMemoryUtil
- Test memory leaks in vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices
- Apply nonUniformEXT after constructing a combined image/sampler
- Improve image logging in some renderpass tests
- Add Mandatory extension features
- Fix format features required with samplerYcbcrConversion
- Fix number of pipelines/framebuffers/renderpasses created in dynamic offset tests
- Avoid fragment shader in some depth/stencil tests
- Fix 16bit_storage dependency in some spirv instruction fp16 tests
- Add shaderSubgroupExtendedTypes to mandatory features
- Fix format features required with samplerYcbcrConversion
- Remove duplicated code from isinf/isnan tests
- Single random float generator for precision tests
- Add check for YCbCr Chroma Reconstruction Explicit format support
- Fix a typo for Linux run of deqp-vk
- Add missing writes to PointSize in subgroups tests
- Fixes timeline semaphore test queues
- Fix image layouts in graphics spirv_assembly tests
- Fix maxMipMap calculation for images
- Fix image layouts in graphics spirv_assembly tests
- Fix descriptorCount for dEQP-VK.ycbcr.conversion
- Clear unused image aspects in buffer to depth/stencil copy tests
- Add storageBuffer16BitAccess to mandatory features
- Add missing barrier before host access in draw tests
- Don't request DebugReportRecorder with no layers
- Require VK_EXT_filter_cubic for cubic filtering
- Fixes execServer with target API 28
- Fixes advanced blending tests support check
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
- Add missing barrier to HOST in memory_barrier test
- Fix wide line rasterization tests
- Avoid exceeding maxPerStageResources in descriptor_indexing tests
- Remove event tests which use illegal behaviour
- Fixes FDM subsampled tests
- Prevent odd width single plane 422 images in dEQP-VK.ycbcr.query.*
- Queries test should handle devices with disabled inheritedQueries
- Add memory barrier to fragment shader interlock tests.
- Fix framework for R64 int images test
- Add missing extensions VK_GOOGLE
- Fix invalid SPIR-V in GraphicsFuzz tests
- remove opconstantnull physical storage pointer tests
- Half-float texture interpolation tolerance is too small.
- Use vkBindImageMemory2 to bind disjoint images
Vulkan CTS
Vulkan CTS
New tests:
- Add tests for non strict lines
- Test OpUndef with OpConstantComposite and OpSpecConstantComposite
- Add depth and stencil formats to buffer copy tests
- Add concurrent query pool tests
- Test SampledImage as function argument
- Added a batch of coverage tests found by GraphicsFuzz
- Test additional atomic image SPIR-V operations
- Validate samplerless descriptor writes
- Test Centroid SPIR-V decoration on struct members
- Test OpMemberDecorateString from SPIR-V 1.4
- Test samplers with unnormalized coordinates
- Test exact sampling cases
- Improve vkGet*ProcAddr testing
- Test shift ops in OpSpecConstantOp with more bit widths
- Extend tests for VK_EXT_fragment_density_map
- Add image clearing tests with multiple subresource ranges
- Test OpImageWrite with the Sample image operand
- Add geometry layered tests for 3D depth/stencil views
- Add tests for VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control
- Add tests for subgroup LOD
- Test creation of overly large buffers
- Run SPIR-V builtin precision tests on 64-bit floats
- Test SpecConstantOp/CompositeInsert in arrays and structs
- Add tests of VkSwapchain acquiring too many images
- Extend multiview/occlusion queries tests
- Added DMA buffer external memory cases to cross instance sharing tests
- Add SPIR-V Invariant decoration tests
- Require 16-bit storage in some 8-bit storage tests
- Fix barrier code in dEQP-VK.api.buffer_marker.* tests
- Fix dEQP-VK.subgroups.ballot.framebuffer.* to use core API
- Verify results in ballot bitcount tests
- Allow 1ULP of tolerance in ldexp precision tests
- Fix 32-bit statistic query tests using 64 bits
- Restore disabled texture function tests
- Check if display is available for Vulkan.
- Fix subgroups tests using basePipelineHandle with index != -1
- Don't enable both buffer device address extensions
- Don't remove 16-bit denorms from fp64 tests
- Stricter codomain for atan tests
- Use common code for SG arithmetic-like tests
- Loosen basic subgroup elect test vertex checks
- Stricter codomain in atan2 precision tests
- Simplify the test code for ballot bit counts
- Use float16 precision for testing mediump
- Remove duplicated code that handles Android hardware buffer
- Fix image checking for sparse image binding tests
- ldexp tests do not test corner cases correctly
- Fix texture shadow test using image views with zero aspect
- Fixes 16bit storage check in spirv_assembly tests
- More vertex-invocation fixes for synchronisation tests