JCommands is library for JDA, that helps you do things easier!
Example bot with ping slash command:
public class Start {
public static void main(String[] args) throws LoginException, InterruptedException, JAPIException {
new SlashCommand("ping", "ping command", true, event -> {
Latest version can be found in Releases
To use the JCommands, you must initialize JAPI first:
JAPI.initialize("token of your bot");
new SlashCommand("name of command", "description of command", false, event -> {
event.reply("I replied lol!");
To make loading interactions faster you should use guildOnly,
loading interactions normally could take up to 1 hour!
When you make it guildOnly, the interactions will respond only in specified server!
JAPI.setGuildID("id of ur server/guild");
new SlashCommand("name of command", "description of command", true, event -> {
event.reply("I replied lol!");
It is also possible to create normal commands!
To do that, you'll have to specify prefix:
JAPI.setLegacyCommandPrefix("Prefix u want");
And then just create the command:
new LegacyCommand("name", "description", 0, event -> {
event.reply("Hi lol!");
The argument with 0 means how many command arguments it should expect.