ROM downloader tool for MiSTer FPGA (release version 0.9.15)
to /media/fat/Scripts
directory on the MiSTer. Run
either from shell via SSH or from the MiSTer UI.
Simple Mode (OFF by default) only allows downloading a single file at a time and game list cannot be filtered, but it works with button-deprived joysticks.
MiSTer has now added support for controlling the normal mode entirely with a joystick, including tagging multiple games at once and PgUp/PgDn. You still won't be able to type anything, though.
On startup, ROMweasel asks if you want to re-download ROM repository metadata. This is required, if any of the ROM repositories have been updated or the local metadata is corrupted.
The script sources /media/fat/Scripts/.config/romweasel/
for user
configurable settings, or if the file doesn't exist, creates it.
Some game repositories on have been recently locked, meaning you
need to login to access them. Since the same problem affects other MiSTer
scripts as well, ROMweasel has adopted the same solution. Place following
lines in your /root/.profile
export IA_USER="login@email"
export IA_PASS="secret123"
If you experience problems with downloads, make sure you have the above setup and then re-download ROM repository metadata.
- Filter ROM lists by keyword
- Separate simple mode for operating with joysticks with only few buttons
- Verify each ROM checksum after downloading
- If an interrupted download is retried, attempts to continue where it left off
- Appends a custom
element to all 0MHz DOS collection games
Run it from a shell via SSH, it can be left to download in the background while you play games. Just don't cold-reboot the system.
If executed from cmdline with a directory path as argument, .chd
files in that
directory are sorted into their own subdirectories. If it fails to automatically
determine correct subdirectory name, that file is simply not moved.
If executed from cmdline with /media/fat/_DOS Games
as argument, a custom
element is appended to all MGL files in that directory. This allows
storing individual configurations per DOS game (button to key maps especially).
To enable experimental automatic updates via
, add these lines
to your downloader.ini
db_url =
Licensed under BSD 2-clause license.