You will need to pull the following dependencies in order to compile the project:
cabal install <element> --lib
You need to place a configuration file in order for a server to work: gyurver.settings
port 80
password very_safe_password
mode prod
cokk2021 blocked
The settings are loaded in the following object:
data Settings = Settings
{ hostAddress :: IP
, port :: Port
, password :: String
, mode :: Mode
, cokk2021 :: EventMode
} deriving (Show)
If you have no config file the following will be loaded:
defaultSettings = Settings
{ hostAddress = IP "localhost"
, port = Port 8080
, password = "nincs jelszo"
, mode = Dev
, cokk2021 = Blocked
Landing Page/articles
Get a html list of articles with links/videos
Get a list of embedded videos/videos/new
Add new video page/cokk2020
Landing page of 2020 Cokkoles contest/cokk2020/results
The results of the 2020 Cokkoles contest/cokk2021
Landing page of 2021 Cokkoles contest/cokk2021/results
The results of the 2021 Cokkoles contest/blog
A page where you can browse the blog/blog/#
A page that displays the blog with the given index/films
A page that displays the film list
Get the favicon/cv
alternative route for CV/res/cv.pdf
Get the CV/res/anomaly_detection_taxonomy.pdf
Taxonomy article/res/anomaly_detection_platform.pdf
Anomaly detection article/res/anomaly_detection_metrics.pdf
Anomaly detection metrics article
pings the server and it returns nothing as fast as possible (Get)/api/videos
list of videos endpoint (Get, Post, Options)/api/video/#
data about a certain video (Get, Post, Delete)/api/cokk2020
list of contestants of the 2020 Cokkoles/api/cokk2021/login
login endpoint for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/register
register endpoint for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/resztvevok
list of participants for 2021 Cokkoles (Get, Post)/api/cokk2021/water
water someone for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/dashboard
refresh dashboard for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/skills/inc
increase skill endpoint for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/update/eggname
ability to change egg name for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/items
get list of items for 2021 Cokkoles (Get)/api/cokk2021/items/buy
buy item endpoint for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/items/equip
equip item endpoint for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/cokk2021/fight
run a match between 2 eggs for 2021 Cokkoles (Post)/api/films
endpoint for film stuff (Get, Post, Delete, Put)/api/blog/#
get a specific blog (Get)/api/todayhits
how many hits did we get today? (Get)