A bot to roll your dice for DnD and more!
There's a docker container that you can find on the releases tab.
Usage commands:
git clone "https://github.com/Krishna-Sivakumar/troller.git"
docker build -t troller ./troller
docker run -e DISCORD_TOKEN=$(cat discord_token.txt) troller
virutalenv .env
source .env/bin/activate # shell dependent, this works for bash
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
environment variable to authenticate your account.
I currently use a static token to log the bot in.
python main.py
`!troll (dice text)`: Troller rolls dice
`!register (or) !put (command name) / (dice text)`: Troller stores dice command for later
`!command (or) !use (command name)`: Troller runs stored command
`!commands`: Troller lists out all the commands stored
Example dice formats:
`!troll 1d8+5`: 1d8 dice is rolled with a +5 modifier
`!troll adv (1d20+7)`: 1d20 dice is rolled with advantage along with a +7 modifier
`!troll disadv (1d20+3)`: 1d20 dice is rolled with disadvantage along with a +3 modifier
`!troll 1d6+10,1d8+5`: Multiple dice rolls are made in parallel
`!register sneak attack montana / 1d4+3d6`: Command "sneak attack montana" is stored for later
`!command sneak attack montana`: Troller runs the command "sneak attack montana"