This mod allows server owners to define the wardrobes of players. Players can choose to wear the cosmetics in their wardrobes. There are two types of cosmetics: hats and bodies. Both types can be worn at once. A body changes the entire appearance of your character, a hat appears as a hat above the head.
This is what the wardrobe screen looks like:
This mod uses an HTTP server which is not included in this mod to manage each of your player's wardrobes.
To configure this HTTP server on your minecraft server, a
config file is generated with the following content:
The apiKey
is sent with every request as a Bearer-Authorization header.
The apiUrl
is the base url of your http server.
Your http server needs to implement these routes:
Response body:
"model": "String: the blockbench model json data",
"script": "String: Lua script for animations etc.",
"type": "String: Type of the cosmetic. May be either HAT or BODY. This defines how the cosmetics appears. HAT cosmetics appear above the head as a hat and BODY ones change the entire appearance of the player's avatar"
POST /player/{player-uuid}/equip: Called when the player with the given UUID clicks the equip button on a cosmetic.
Request body:
"cosmeticId": "Long: The ID of the cosmetic to equip"
Response body:
"equippedCosmetics": "Long-Array: The IDs of every cosmetic equipped by this player after this operation"
POST /player/{player-uuid}/unequip: Called when the player with the given UUID clicks the unequip button on a cosmetic.
Request body:
"cosmeticId": "Long: The ID of the cosmetic to unequip"
Response body:
"equippedCosmetics": "Long-Array: The IDs of every cosmetic equipped by this player after this operation"
Response body:
"id": "Long: This cosmetic's id",
"name": "String: This cosmetic's name",
"type": "String: This cosmetic's type, may be either HAT or BODY",
"equipped": "Boolean: Whether this player has this cosmetic equipped",
"previewImage": "String: Base64 encoded PNG to show in the avatar list. Is rendered with a resolution of 40 x 60 px"
GET /equipped: Returns the ID's of the cosmetics each player requested in the request body has equipped
Request body:
"equippedCosmetics": "UUID-Array: The UUIDs of the players to request"
Response body:
"UUID: the player's UUID": "Long-Array: The IDs of the cosmetics this player has equipped",
This mod is only supposed to be used in the Kryeit Minecraft server for now.