If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding billcom
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:billcom, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/billcom.
Create a config file:
config :billcom, :api,
devKey: "myDevKey",
orgId: "myOrgId",
password: "myPassword",
userName: "myUsername"
customer = %{obj:
entity: "Customer",
isActive: "1",
name: "This is the customer name",
shortName: "Testing Customer",
parentCustomerId: "",
companyName: "Diamond Industrial Inc.",
contactFirstName: "Kwame",
contactLastName: "Yamgnane",
accNumber: "212",
billAddress1: "123 South North Street"
conn = Billcom.login!()
result = Billcom.Customer.create(conn, customer)
id = Billcom.get_val(result, "id")
customer = %{obj: Map.put(customer.obj, :id, id)}
result = Billcom.Customer.read(conn, %{id: id})
customer = %{obj: Map.put(customer.obj, :shortName, "mouai")}
result = Billcom.Customer.update(conn, customer)
result = Billcom.Customer.delete(conn, %{id: id})
result = Billcom.Customer.undelete(conn, %{id: id})