Pumpfun smart contract with the Rust/Anchor - Add virtual LP, remove LP, create Raydium Pool AMM and CPMM(Pump.fun forking).
New updated version: migrate to Pumpfun AMM pool and support token 2022 and fee distribution.
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You can check frontend and backend repo in my github as well.
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You can check the tx to Remove vitual LP and Create Raydium Pool in this smart contract with CPI calls.
In fact, in this project, set creating LP FEE as 5% of Reserves.
Similar with original pump.fun contract address:
Pumpfun + spl NFT contract address:
Fee distribution
Users can set buy/sell fee and they will receive half fee as well.
Like this, i can distribute fee dev team and user or any other options and it will be more great for token safety.
Contract Addr: https://solscan.io/account/AyptQDLRDKRQmi6KzxMyGKcmA8AEcgPzYCmoHBnGui3z?cluster=devnet